Authors (including presenting author) :
Yuen MSY (1), Kwok FY (1), Ching CH (1), Kwok WS (1), Wong A (2), Lai Y (2), Leung HF (3), Wong YY (3), Wong R (3), Pang M (3), Chan LW (1), Lau PF (1)
Affiliation :
(1) Department of Accident and Emergency, (2) Infection Control Team, (3) Department of Administration Services, Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital
Introduction :
COVID-19 was no stranger to everyone in 2021. Dating back to December 2019 when limited information to the disease was disclosed from the Official, followed by lockdown of Wuhan in January 2020, red flap was noted. With the experience of managing SARS in 2003, Multidisciplinary Infection Control Team was formed in the emergency department to plan for the best and prepare for the worst to unknown infection in January 2020.
Objectives :
To report the strategies of managing COVID-19 in emergency department of PYNEH
Methodology :
Patients were always set at the centre of care in emergency department. Besides public health concerns, the strategies of 2P2R (Prevention, Preparedness, Response and Recovery/ Resilience) and 6 Sigma (Man, Machine, Material, Method, Mother Nature and Measurement) were employed in COVID management. All were evaluated and adjusted according to the situation of pandemic and advice of CCIDER of Hospital Authority. Update information on COVID was disseminated to staffs through handover, emails and WhatsApp periodically.
Multidisciplinary team was formed: Designated Emergency Nurse and Physician monitored the situation of COVID, governed the practice and changes in department; PPE, Resuscitation and Intubation devices were prepared. Infection Control Team of PYNEH did the site visit, gave comment to setting and workflow of patient in emergency department, gave input to HEPA filters and provided refresher training with Emergency Nurses to all. Administration Staffs supported the facility management needs by installing the tents outdoors for the “Triage and Treatment Program”, monitored the AIIR and Enhanced Ventilation System in emergency department. Media Relation Officer gave advice on the pamphlet to patients (Tier 1 and Asia World Expo program).
Result & Outcome :
Staffs and Team went through the first wave of Hotpot and Budda group; the second wave of returned citizen, support to Chung Yeung Estate, EROOHK operation, Tier 1 and 4; the third wave of Bar and Old Aged Home group, support to Expo, Surveillance and Isolation wards and the Community Testing Centre; the fourth wave of Staycation and Dancing group and new genotype, there was zero staffs and patients got infected with COVID in emergency department.
Through multidisciplinary collaboration in infection control and strategies in COVID management, staffs were support and prepared, felt confident in managing COVID patients in emergency department. All were thankful for the support of Hospital Authority.