Authors (including presenting author) :
Mak SC(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Department of Anesthesiology & Operating Theatre, NDH
Introduction :
Handling specimen is a frequently acts and high risk procedure which may finally causing adverse effects on patient safety, if not properly handled. It is therefore required to enhance the quality of specimen handling to reduce the potential error. We developed a framework “TRUST” to echance the quality of specimen handling.
Objectives :
(1) Enhance handover and improve communication; (2) Streamline workflow; (3) Create a safe and sustainable quality practice.
Methodology :
(1)Pre observation and questionnaire: Pre observation (n=20) was done to investigate the current situation and aimed to find any strategy for improvement. A pre-survey questionnaire (n=50) was performed to collect colleagues' opinion on specimen handling. (2)Developed and promotion of “TRUST” framework: A “TRUST’ framework was developed, our colleague could recall and use "TRUST" as a guide during handling of specimen. ‘T’ stands for mult-Teamwork. ‘R’ stands for Risk management (3R: Read aloud, Remove distraction and Reconfirm). ‘U’ stands for Utilize up to date knowledge. ‘S’ stands for Speak up. ‘T’ stands for Target (2T: Timely debriefing and Transportation safely). To promote this newly developed framework, training was provided to all colleagues. Poster of “TRUST” framework was posted in eye catching area. (3)Workflow simplification: For the new workflow, theater nurse was responsible to co-ordinate the whole specimen journey which was from pre-operative until the specimen sent to the pathological laboratory. The frequency of handover was minimized, the potential error due to poor communication and handover was removed.
Result & Outcome :
A post-survey questionnaire (n=47) was done to collect colleague feedback. 89% respondents stated they understood the “TRUST” framework after training. 89% respondents agreed the “TRUST” framework was useful, and it summarized the key point of specimen handling. 91% respondents stated the new workflow of specimen handling was more safe and reduced the risk of error. 96% respondents reported recovery nurse could focus on caring of patient, the quality of patient care improved. Through this CQI project, the “TRUST” framework developed and the workflow of specimen handling simplified. Using the “TRUST” framework, our colleague could improve their specimen handling skill and hence increased the patient care quality. A safe and quality practice set up, the effectiveness of specimen handling enhanced. Since maintaining the sustainability of a safe and quality practice was more important than starting up, compliance check was planned to maintain the standard of the practice.