Authors (including presenting author) :
Lau CY (1), Lo CW (1), Lee KY (2), Fung MC (3)
Affiliation :
(1) Community Nursing Service, Haven of Hope Hospital (2) Community Nursing Service, Kowloon East Cluster (3) Community Nursing Service, Tseung Kwan O Hospital
Introduction :
Community nurses (CNs) are trained to provide a variety of nursing care at home setting, who play a key role to support patients staying safe and healthy in community. In this connection, CNs should act swiftly and decisively to ensure the patient receive the right care at the right time. In order to facilitate the decision-making process in outreach areas, a mobile app” Smart Click” was developed by Haven of Hope Hospital (HHH) community nurse, to access information quickly and flexibly. Through this self-developed mobile app, the CNs could timely access the information related to special nursing procedures, quick reference for trouble shooting, community resource information, education-kit for patient care, department update rules, news and useful contact list.
Objectives :
1. Provide a faster channel to access the useful information
2. Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of care delivery in community 3. Enhance the communication among department, staffs and health care partners
1. Spend zero money
2. Self-developed app – build up the tailor-made mobile app to meet the exact needs of CNs.
3. Security ~ Security and controlled access for current nursing staffs only.
4. Services enhancement ~ provide the information and guidance to speed up the onsite decision making
Methodology :
The “Smart Click” was developed in May 2019 and launched in July 2019. For a pilot period from July to November 2019, all HHH CNs and KEC CNS Centre’s in-charges were invited to install the app into their smart-phone. In which, they could get the information faster and easier through “Smart Click”. At the same time, the Click Through Rate (CTR) would be calculated. By the end of the trial period, all users were invited to give feedback by answering the e-questionnaire. From June 2020 onwards, “Smart Click” has been promoted to all KEC CNs, after 6 months, all users were invited to give feedback through e-questionnaire in December 2020.
Result & Outcome :
“Smart Click” began with a pilot trial then promoted to all CNs over 1 year, during this period, with 97 CNs installed the “Smart Click” and 4289 CTR were recorded, in average of 10 clicks per day. In addition, 87 e-questionnaires from users were collected in December 2020 with response rate 90%, all users experienced more convenient to access the app to generate useful information, to obtain the latest department news, to get the quick reference on special nursing care and use the education-kit for patient care. They all agreed that “Smart Click” is a useful app in daily work. In overall feedback, “Smart Click” installation has shown positive results in service efficiency, daily operation effectiveness and staff satisfaction. The self-developed app makes the useful information more accessible for frontline community nurses and provide a real time communication with department.
The Smart Idea - “Smart Click”– to get a quick reference via CNS self-developed mobile app which really could help the CNs in their outreach daily work. No doubt electronic channels such as mobile apps are changing our daily routine, and now, it is changing the way we could use as a user-friendly tool to support community nurses for professional health care decision-making as well.