Authors (including presenting author) :
Yuen MSY (1), Ching CH (1), Lee KH (2), Wong CY (3), Kan PG (4), Leung LP (4)
Affiliation :
(1) Department of Accident and Emergency, Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital
(2) Department of Accident and Emergency, Prince of Wales Hospital
(3) Department of Accident and Emergency, Queen Elizabeth Hospital
(4) Department of Accident and Emergency, Ruttonjee and Tang Shiu Kin Hosiptals
Introduction :
Zoom video communication software was developed in 2011 and has been used in 2020 for teleconferencing, distance learning and social relations because of infection control, social distancing and lockdown reasons of COVID pandemic worldwide. It was employed in training the healthcare professionals in emergency department in 2020.
Objectives :
To explore the impact of Zoom training of health care professionals in emergency department
Methodology :
The lecture part of training of Hyperbaric course, Triage workshop and Incision and Drainage workshop were shift from face-to-face to Zoom from June 2020, comments from Instructors and participants were evaluated and compared with pre-Zoom period in 2020.
Result & Outcome :
There were 28 instructors and 85 participants to the above training programs in emergency department. Majority of the instructors found the delivery of lecture by zoom possible, with minimal assistance on first attempt, interaction with participants through video-conferencing and white board were timely and user-friendly, time-saving to venue, able to address the work from home and use of information technology issues in Hospital Authority and the Government. Similar feedbacks were received from participants, majority found zoom trendy for learning.
However, there were limitation to zoom where skill type of training could not be addressed. This was supplement by skill station and simulation. There were also hardware and venue support, capturing attendance issues at the start of zoom, fortunately all were overcome.
Zoom training was able to address part and partial training needs of healthcare professionals in emergency department at the moment, with the development and application of 5G and Virtual Reality in information technology, it might address the skill needs in the future.