Safe and effective resuscitation for patients with confirmed / suspected COVID 19

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Abstract Description
Abstract ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
CHAN WM (1) Henry MAK (2) Chan WSC(3), Peter LAI (1), MY CHAU(3)Hui LF (4),Cheung HH(4),TY CHAN(4) YE CHEE (2) Tang KS(4),Lee SL(4)
Affiliation :
(1) Adult Intensive Care Unit
(2) Department of Anesthesiology
(3) Department of Medicine
(4) Quality & Safety Department, HKWC;
Introduction :
There are challenges and legitimate concerns of staff safety when performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) to patient with or suspected with COVID 19.
Objectives :
To equip equipment and devices to minimize the chance of transmission of coronavirus while performing CPR for the patients in isolation rooms and general ward settings
Methodology :
HKWC Resuscitation Committee initiated a series of safety measures to protect our staff in the procedure of CPR.
Guiding Principles For Performing Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation For Patients with Suspected or Confirmed COVID-19 at Isolation wards was issued to define the principle and practice of performing CPR for patients in Isolation wards for patients with suspected or confirmed Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).
This guidance notes stressed the importance of not only Full personal protection equipment (PPE), but also closely review the appropriateness of resuscitation for patients suffering from cardiopulmonary arrest, number of staff and their roles in the procedures of CPR , equipment (video laryngoscope, ETCO2 Monitors and automatic chest compression device) used in CPR and aftercare and environmental decontamination
In line with direction from HAHO Central Command Committee (CCC), equipment, namely video laryngoscope, ETCO2 Monitors and automatic chest compression device as well as disposable items, such as disposable Bag-Valve-Mask(BVM), disposable ventilator tubing were equipped in clinical areas that had high frequency of performing CPR, such as ICU, A&E and OT.

A training video of CPR for patient with confirmed / suspected COVID 19 was produced and uploaded to the website of HKWC Resuscitation Committee as well as sharing in QMH Medical and nursing staff WhatsApp groups.
Two briefing session of the safe practice of CPR for patient with confirmed / suspected COVID 19 were conducted and also the content of these training sessions were uploaded in the website.

Expert support
There is a central resuscitation team in QMH. This team stressed that expert support on intubation could be offered to departments if indicated.
Result & Outcome :
With unprecedented challenges and difficulties, Staff awareness of safe CPR were enhanced.
The guidance notes will be revised according to the situation of COVID pandemic.

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