Authors (including presenting author) :
Lo HYE(1), Choi YL(1), Tam TY(1), Wong KC(1), Lee YM(1), Chan CHK(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Department of TB and Chest, TWGHs Wong Tai Sin Hospital
Introduction :
From the statistics of bed-day default rate of 2019, the average default rate is 18.5%. The high default rate may be caused by most of the patients may neglect the importance of the disease (Obstructive Sleep Apnea) and its complication. Therefore, in 2020 we have implemented a new designed e-booking system (SMS), individual patient telephone reminder (including FTOCC- COVID19), standby case call back system.
Objectives :
Decrease default rate of sleep case admission by 10%
Methodology :
1. Individual patient telephone reminder - Every case will be reminded by ward clerk through telephone 2weeks and 1day before admission (COVID19 -FTOCC was asked since early 2020).
2. Collaborate with IT, a new designed e-booking system was established and implement in early 2020. This new system could automatically generate a preset SMS message and send to patients that will admit for sleep study 1 week later.
3. Standby case call back system - Patients in standby list will be called if scheduled case does not turn up or there is any empty slot. - A flow chart was used to streamline the workflow of call back system.
4. Integrated Sleep Service with QEH. -To decrease the waiting time of QEH sleep study, an integrated Sleep Service with QEH was started from early 2020, every Monday of 6 months (26 quota per year) were reserved for QEH sleep clinic, PSG and CPAP titration results of those patients will sent back to QEH after patient discharge.
Result & Outcome :
Average bed-day default rate in 2020 is 7.5%, therefore there is a decrease of 11% as compare with those of 2019. Due to the obvious decrease of bed-day default rate of sleep lab. Both patients and hospital gain the win-win benefits, patients could complete their treatment in hospital as scheduled and hospital could fully utilize the bed.