“Go green” – staff engaging to promote paperless in Neurosurgical Clinic, Ambulatory Care Centre, Queen Elizabeth Hospital

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Abstract Description
Abstract ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
Yu CH(1), Wong HW(2), Cheung YM(2), Cheung FC(1), Leung AL(2), Lau MH(2)
Affiliation :
(1)Department of Neurosurgical, (2)Department of Ambulatory Care Centre, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Hong Kong
Introduction :
Neurosurgical Clinic of Ambulatory Care Centre needs to deal with nearly 2000 patient’s medical record for each month. The existing practice for staff spends more time and manual effort to transport patient’s medical record which average over 138kg per trolley. It causes dissatisfaction among supporting staff. The aim of this project is to reduce the non-value-added time and streamline the consultation process. As a green initiative, Neurosurgical clinic has toward to fully implemented paperless consultation to all patients
Objectives :
1. Reduce risk of patient identification.
2. Enhance occupational safety for staff.
3. Streamline the workflow and building up staff team spirit.
4. Eliminate the transportation of patient’s medical record.
5. To develop strategies to minimize manual process in patient journey.
6. Reduce the queuing time.
7. Enlarge spacing in shroff office
Methodology :
The project was implemented in two phases:
Phase 1
1. Reengineer the workflow by consolidating the consultation process to boost its effective and efficiency.
2. An introduction workflow was provided to all staff of Neurosurgical Clinic, Moreover, all staff performed the re-demonstration of evaluate their understanding in practice of workflow in early of Apr 2020.
3. Set up a mechanism to monitor patient journey by using Corporate Queuing Management system (CQMS).
4. Print out thermal paper with patient’s particular instead of medical record and appointment slip.
5. Retrieve of patient’s medical record from Medical Record Office (MRO) would not be required except ad hoc medical record requested by doctor.
Phase 2
1. The Wi-Fi network installation was completed in June 2020.
2. Defaulted print out consultation summary.
3. Staff was carried out by using different electronic devices such as i-pad, Corporate Queuing Management System, Patient Album app and Document Scan app planform.
Result & Outcome :
From Apr 2020 to December 2020, a total of 13866 patients were attended Neurosurgical clinic for consultation. There was a net saving of time 578hours (3 hours per day) for supporting staff, therefore, fully utilized existing manpower to strengthen cleaning schedule in clinical area during COVID-19 pandemic. Staff satisfaction survey was done in Dec 2020; results is very encouraging staff were reflected that they were significantly reduce muscular pain and also observed that potentially reduce risk of manual handling in transportation of medical record. The retrieval medical record was not requested from Medical Record Office during the stated period. With management and doctor’s fully support, all staff were engaged in the “Go green” project in Neurosurgical clinic ACC QEH. In the blooming technology and go green world, it is a trend to better unitize electronic system to enhance occupational health safety and streamline clerical workflow in the healthcare system.

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