Authors (including presenting author) :
Kam CW, Franky Ha, Miranda Liu
Affiliation :
Nursing Services Division, Hong Kong Children's Hospital
Introduction :
Nursing clinical preceptors in the participation of the preceptorship program were experiencing a dilemma but a special role. They provided very good guidance for new nurses on their transition into practice with multiple roles. However, they faced different challenges and perceived an exhausting experience in their career.
Objectives :
Explore the challenges of nursing clinical preceptors via qualitative study.
Develop effective measures to address their challenges.
Methodology :
A qualitative study with the use of hermeneutic phenomenological design was used to explore the lived experiences of these preceptors in Hong Kong Children’s Hospital. Data were obtained with the use of semi-structured in-depth interview individually for 30 minutes in mid-December 2020.
Result & Outcome :
Seven challenges were revealed in the above study: 1) Limited paediatric training opportunities during the undergraduate period (50 hours theoretical input and 60 hours clinical practicum in paediatric specialty), 2) Suspension of orientation training for new nurses due to the COVID-19, 3) High ratio between preceptees and preceptor (30:1), 4) Duty variation between preceptors and preceptees, 5) Heavy administrative workload, 6) Shift of workload from ward preceptors due to talent dilution, 7)Practice misalignment.
Scheduled meetings were arranged with preceptors to focus and tackle the above challenges. It was suggested having a systemic training plan for each preceptee. Pre-reading training materials via group WhatsApp, e-learning, and tailor-made core functions academic sessions were offered to enhance the paediatric knowledge and skills of new nurses in the first 3 months. Through the Staff Roster System, the duty of preceptees was clearly listed and provided to clinical preceptors in advance with the support from NSD. Regular meeting with clinical supervisors for reporting the performance progress of new nurses and revising nursing practices for alignment was held. Besides, the revision of the progress report format could minimize their administrative work. The preceptors were satisfied with the support from NSD to tackle their challenges. Recruiting more experienced nurses and readjusting the new nurse and preceptor ratio could be the strategies to relieve their heavy workload.
The workload of preceptors could be well-adjusted appropriately to avoid burnout according to the above measures. The preceptors could get support and their contribution be appropriately recognized. Periodically review would be conducted to identify the effectiveness of the above measures.