Authors (including presenting author) :
Kam CW, Franky Ha, Miranda Lui
Affiliation :
Nursing Services Division, Hong Kong Children's Hospital
Introduction :
Newly graduated nurses (preceptees) are the future pillars for service development in Hong Kong Children’s Hospital. Low job satisfaction scores (Average score = 6.7, Max. score = 10) were resulted from preceptees graduated in 2019 by using Likert Scale. Absence of clinical preceptor might be the main contribution factor for that.
Objectives :
To identify the enhancement of cognitive, affective and psychomotor skills of newly graduated nurses with the presence of clinical preceptors in Hong Kong Children’s Hospital
Methodology :
Two clinical preceptors with rich clinical experience in oncology nursing and neonatal intensive care nursing were recruited in 3Q2020. They designed a systemic training plan and provided clear learning objectives for coaching, monitoring and evaluating the performance of their preceptees graduated in 2020. The clinical log book was used for each preceptee graduated in 2020. Tailor-made of paediatric medication calculation and safety training was implemented for them. E-learning was another mode of training provided to them, especially during COVID-19 attack. Bimonthly innovative learning puzzle, communication platform, psychological support, focal intensive coaching and structured reporting governance were offered. In order to evaluate the enhancement of knowledge and skills of preceptees with the presence of clinical preceptors, a qualitative survey (Face-to-face interview between preceptor and preceptee within 15 minutes) was conducted in voluntarily basis. The qualitative survey focused on the changes of preceptee’s adaptability, confidence, communication, clinical knowledge and skills, facing difficulties and learning opportunities.
13 preceptees graduated in 2020 were interviewed by the preceptors and the response rate was 68%. The data saturation of the survey was achieved and positive feedback from them was resulted.
One preceptee stated “Unforgettable experience is that the preceptor helps me to handle an acute desaturated patient, we cooperate in bagging patient.” Another preceptee stated “Giving me a direction when I confused.” The average job satisfaction scores of preceptees graduated in 2020 was 8.3 which was significantly improved compared with preceptees graduated in 2019.
Result & Outcome :
The convincing result of the above surveys reflected the enhancement of the cognitive, affective and psychomotor skills of preceptees were achieved under their preceptors’ coaching. It would be anticipated that more competent paediatric nurses would be trained in Hong Kong Children’s Hospital.