Authors (including presenting author) :
Ho PY (1), Ng YB (1)
Affiliation :
(1)Department of Medicine & Geriatrics
Introduction :
In response to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, an isolation ward had been reactivated to receive the tremendous amount of suspected patients in United Christian Hospital (UCH). High percentage of unexperienced nursing staff, high turnover rate of the COVID-suspected and COVID-confirmed patients and frequent update of infectious guideline was a big challenge to the provision of a safe nursing care to our patients in this pandemic. Therefore, strategies to create a Positive Practice Environment (PPE) was launched for nurses to work more safety and efficiently.
Objectives :
• Promote a safety and healthy working environment
• Reduce unnecessary workload and facilitate workflow
• Enhance staff morale and job satisfaction
Methodology :
• Open communication with staff engagement
Daily brief meetings among all staff during handover period were held to provide a two-ways communication platform for sharing the updated information, needs and feelings from each other so as to compromise a strategy plan to achieve PPE.
• Strengthening the staff competence
A structural orientation program was designed and given to the new staff compulsory. A mentor or clinical teacher was arranged to supervise the inexperienced staff. A simulation workshop and audit for high risk procedure was performed to uphold the safety and quality of nursing care.
• Optimizing routine workflow
Revised and restructured staff daily routine workflow, reduced unnecessary workload through Lean management. User-orientated emergency trolleys were re-designed to facilitate the emergency procedure in the high risk setting.
• Transformational Care at the Bedside (TCAB)
A mini station for doctor and nurse was set up and ward materials were relocated and reviewed regularly to facilitate the ward round and daily care so as to allow more valued time to care and communicate with patients.
• Optimizing the staff lounge
A new television, coffee machine and air purifier was rolled out at staff lounge based on the staffs’ wishes. Snacks and drink were supplied occasionally by the managerial level in ward. Staffs could enjoy the “good will” at break time.
Result & Outcome :
A survey showed that all nursing staff strongly agreed the new workflow and TCAB not only can reduce their motion but also facilitate care delivery and work process. In addition, more than 90% of them were satisfied with their work life and became much engaged in their job.