Authors (including presenting author) :
Yip KY
Affiliation :
Department of Occupational Therapy, Tai Po Hospital
Introduction :
Under pandemic situation, most of the community vocational services and hospital workshop based programs are suspended. With advanced technology, the vocational rehabilitation is transformed into a more accessible ward based program to allow early vocational intervention. The youth with mental illness experiences challenges towards successful employment as result of low self-esteem and limited successful working experience. A ward based Occupational Therapy Vocational Program “DigitAl Youth (DAY)” Program is specially introduced to the young psychiatric patients. It aims to provide a successful work experience on digitalization, develop competences on quality digital work and prepare for the application of digital skills and knowledge to fulfill the recent job market need.
Objectives :
This paper aims at exploring the influence of “DigitAl Youth (DAY)” Program on the vocational competences of young psychiatric patients.
Methodology :
The vocational program was a 4 sessions ward based program with 2 sessions per week. The digital design softwares were first introduced with demonstration on in utilization. An individualized calendar design with stylish typography and rich graphics was then created. Printed product was eventually produced in ward with portable cutting machine and binding machine. Convenience sampling was used. Patient with early onset psychosis and aged from 18-35 were invited to join from Oct to Dec 2021. The influence on vocational competency was examined through behavioral observation and a semi-structured interview with patient on the level of self-esteem, work competency, work motivation and work-related social skill after completion of 4 sessions.
Result & Outcome :
From Oct to Dec, a total of 6 young psychiatric patients attended the program. Observation and feedback is summarized as follow: i) Enhanced work competency: High quality digital work was created with products manufactured and distributed as souvenirs. ii) Improved self-esteem: Patients reported improved self-esteem after having successful experience of making a real product and learning new skills. iii) Increased motivation for work: Patients showed full attendance during the whole program and showed increased interest on digital work field with self-initiated discussion after each session. iv) Improved work-related social skill: Positive interaction among the peers was seen and patients learned to report the working progress and seek help in difficult situations. Conclusion: The program demonstrated the benefit of using advanced technology in helping patient to gain successful experience with advanced technology. In the coming future, a platform in promoting the products and showing the talent of psychiatric patient can be formed with products available for sale. A greater variety of digital projects, including animations and video can be considered.