How is self-perceived questionnaire predictive for Treadmill test in activity capacity of patients in cardiac rehabilitation program phase II (CRPII): A correlation study

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Abstract Description
Abstract ID :
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Authors (including presenting author) :
Sit LKJ (1), Leung LFT (1), Hui NP (1), Wong KKJ (1)
Affiliation :
(1) Occupational Therapy Department, United Christian Hospital
Introduction :
Activity prescription (AP) is one of the major occupational therapy (OT) roles in cardiac rehabilitation. Treadmill test is the golden standard in evaluating one’s activity capacity and guiding the exertion extent in daily lives. However, owing to long waiting time of treadmill, results were often not available before CRPII OT programs commencement. This may impede the quality of AP process. It is therefore important to find alternatives to supplement activity capacity prediction when treadmill result is not available. Specific Activity Scale (SAS), a self-administered questionnaire, is recently available in Chinese language in grading self-perceived activity capacity level. The 4 groups stratified can represent different metabolic equivalents (METs) level activities patients can safely perform. Studying the relationship between SAS and treadmill results may shed light on the use of SAS as supplementary tool in determining the activity capacity of CRPII participants.
Objectives :
-To review the rate of congruence between SAS and treadmill test. (i.e. SAS class fits the treadmill result)
-To study the correlation between SAS and treadmill results
-To identify possibility of using SAS for predicting activity capacity of cases after MI.
Methodology :
Subjects were recruited from CRPII using retrospective approach from year 2018/8-2019/12. Case files were retrieved for demographics, SAS classes and treadmill results. Data were analyzed using Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS). Pearson’s r correlation was adopted to analyze the relationship between SAS and treadmill results (METs).
Result & Outcome :
18 subjects were recruited in the study, with ages from 54 to 71 and 88.9% were male. 61.7 % of cases belong to SAS class I, 33.3% in class II and 11.1 % in class III. The overall achievement rate of congruence between SAS levels and treadmill MET results is 61.7%. The higher the self-rated SAS class, the higher rate of congruence achieved (72.8% VS 50% VS 0% for class I, II, III respectively.). Moreover, females (66.7%) evaluated their activity capacity more accurately than males (56.2%). These findings heighten awareness of OTs in analyzing SAS results. More importantly, there is statistically significant negative correlation between SAS class and treadmill results (r= -0.53, p=0.024), reflecting SAS possessing a moderate to strong association with treadmill results. Thus, SAS might be adopted as supplementary evidence in activity prescription process. In conclusion, SAS level demonstrated its relatively strong association between treadmill results. Though relatively small sample size was available (data collection is still ongoing), SAS is recommended in OT CRPII for guidance in AP.

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