Rolling out of Smart Fit Test in NTWC

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Authors (including presenting author) :
Li SKK(1), Cheang CH(1), Leung HCW(1), Wong WLJ(1), Chow WHK(1), Ng KSC(1), Wong WSW(1), Kwan WMG(2), Law CH(3), Leung KCC(3), Kan CH(2), Kwok YTA(2)
Affiliation :
(1)Occupational Safety & Health team, NTWC Human Resources Division, (2)NTWC PPE Taskforce, (3)NTWC Information Technology Section
Introduction :
With the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the supply for N95 respirators for healthcare workers was in acute shortage. Hong Kong was of no exception suffering from this impact. Some countries imposed export restriction on personal protective equipment (PPE) and raw materials to meet local demand. With support from local innovation and technology sector, a new model respirator, namely Nanofiber Smart Mask (NASK) which conforms to international standards (i.e. EN 149:2001 and EN14683:2014) has been introduced to HA’s Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) array as an alternative to N95 respirator. To monitor the stock level of PPE and steer strategy of utilization, a new NTWC PPE taskforce was formed in 2Q 2020. Top priority of the taskforce was to speed up the process of respirator fit-test for staff so that any new model emerged in the market can be tried and adopted swiftly in order to alleviate the adverse impact on patient service caused by respirator supply shortage. “Smart Fit Test”, an electronic platform was developed collaboratively across teams including OSH, Q&S and IT amidst the pandemic.
Objectives :
1. To achieve higher Fit Test completion rate for new respirator model; 2. To shorten the whole process of Fit Test starting from booking of Fit Test to upload of records; 3. To enhance the efficiency and accuracy of data management by replacing the manual record; 4. To increase the capacity and optimize the utilization of Fit Test service.
Methodology :
The “Smart Fit Test” includes two major components: 1. Fit Test Booking and Record Management System (FitBRMs) It is a one-stop-electronic platform where various functions can be carried out. Workflow of the three Fit Test centres in NTWC has been revisited, streamlined and standardized in order to increase efficiency and users’ acceptance. Staff can use Employee ID to make appointment with either one of the Fit Test centres for new/re- Fit Test which suit their schedule. “My Fit Test Records” function enables staff to review their existing individual Fit Test record before making a booking of Fit Test for a specific respirator model. Besides, FitBRMs can generate “Monthly Fit Test Summary” to facilitate monitoring of the overall progress and support the cluster management to review the Fit Test strategy in response to the changes of the pandemic situation. 2. Fit Test workflow re-engineering The Fit Test process is digitalized and standardized in order to enhance the efficiency of the operation and data accuracy. By standardizing the terms of respirator model, test protocol, staff and operator’s information through the software preset of Fit Test machine, staff can follow the amination to go through the Fit Test step-by-step. Upon completion of the Fit Test, a set of report will be generated at once and uploaded automatically to the designated database which minimizes the transcription error and saves time in manual record.
Result & Outcome :
From procurement of hardware and development of electronic system to the roll-out in NTWC, the “Smart Fit Test” project took 1.5 months to come into effect. 2,807 (26%) staff was completed Fit Test for the new model NASK respirator after launching the whole project (i.e. From Nov 2020 to Jan 2021). As of 14th January 2021, NTWC achieved 94% completion rate of the Fit Test. The overall utilization rate of Fit Test service was >95%. The digitalized and standardized Fit Test process shortened the time spending on Fit Test from 45 mins/staff to 20 mins/staff and as a result, the Fit Test capacity was greatly increased from 10 staff/machine/day to 20 staff/machine/day. These encouraging results reflected the “Smart Fit Test” not only facilitated staff to arrange and undergo the Fit Test with ease, but also helped the hospitals to optimize the utilization of Fit Test service allocation of resources effectively. NTWC PPE taskforce will continue to make improvement on the ‘Smart Fit Test’ and explore to promote its use among clusters when opportunity arises.

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