Authors (including presenting author) :
CHU SY(1), LO SK (2) NG KS (1), SIN KH (1), YEUNG BF(1), KWAN KK(2)
Affiliation :
(1) Department of Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, Tuen Mun Hospital
(2) Medical Physics Unit, Department of Oncology, Tuen Mun Hospital
Introduction :
Radiation Health Department (RHD)Department of Health in Hong Kong provides radiation monitoring service to radiation workers and at the same time monitor radiaton worker personal dose limit will not exceed annual radiation dose limit (20 milli-Sievert) on monthly basis as advised by International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP). In radiological examinations we persue "As low as reasonably acheivable (ALARA)" principle. In third quarter 2020,Positron Emission Tomography (PET) service is launched in Tuen Mun Hospital, proactive work procedure is stipulate to keep staff exposure ALARA in our new PET service and alleviate their concern on radiation safety.
Objectives :
To comply with requirement on annual radiation dose limit laid by Radiation Health Department
To educate staff on radiation safety during course of work
To alleviate staff concern on radiation dose
Methodology :
Provide instantaneous dose monitoring device for PETCT workers
Provide annual radiation safety talk to PETCT workers
Record daily dose record for PETCT workers
Review and monitor daily dose record and take necessary action
Result & Outcome :
awareness on good practice in PETCT is enhanced
staff do not worry about their radiation dose in PETCT
Work procedure can be reviewed timely to enhance radiation safety