Authors (including presenting author) :
Chu LM(1), Lee KS(1), Wong YK(1), Law WH(1), Lo PP(1), Leung MF(1), Lo HT(1), Choy MY(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Department of Pharmacy, Tuen Mun Hospital
Introduction :
There are 1800-2200 out-patient prescriptions from SOPC, A&E, discharge or ward follow-up case in TMH every day. Since 2004, most of the prescriptions were handled by Ambulatory Care Center (ACC) Pharmacy during 9am to 6pm weekday. Although handling prescription in one site can maximize economy of scale on manpower and other resources, heavy patient load during peak hours poses long waiting time issue. During COVID-19 pandemic, waiting hall crowdedness also poses infection control concern.
Objectives :
To reduce crowdedness of ACC Pharmacy Waiting Hall and reduce patient traffic in TMH complex during COVID-19 pandemic
Methodology :
There are two pharmacies in TMH complex, Main Block Pharmacy and ACC Pharmacy. Main Block pharmacy only handle out-patient prescription when ACC pharmacy is closed.
During COVID-19 pandemic, Hospital Management Team supported out-patient prescriptions from TMH main block and special block (A&E, discharge, ward follow-up, clinical oncology department) would be handled by Main Block Pharmacy from 9am to 6pm.
From 15-Apr-2020, site of medication collection has been updated on relevant prescription to direct the patients. Nursing staff was briefed to seek their support for instructing patients.
Result & Outcome :
Overall waiting time for both pharmacies has been improved. Average waiting time of ACC Pharmacy shorten from 52 minutes (Oct-2019 to Mar-2020 data) to 29 minutes (May to Sep-2020 data). Average waiting time in Main Block Pharmacy is 19 minutes (Figure 1).
Waiting time profile in different working hours of ACC pharmacy decreased by 22% to 56% (7 to 27 minutes) (Figure 2).
Walking distance for patients who only attended services in TMH Main Block or Special block was shorten. Process of purchasing of SFI drug of oncology patient was also improved.
By increasing access point on drug collection, “drug-dispensing” capacity has been enhanced as more dispensing counters are available. It can shorten patient waiting time with similar workload. Although the arrangement was activated during COVID-19 pandemic, pharmacy will consider extending the arrangement for enhancing patient service. Issue identified includes need of bigger patient waiting area plus dispensing area, manpower required to maintain extra dispensing counters. It can be partly resolved with better dispensing area design and re-organization of work process and team.