Psychosocial Support for COVID-19 Patients under Isolation and Their Families

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Abstract Description
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Authors (including presenting author) :
Cheung KC(1), Ho SM(1), Ng YB(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Ward 13A, Isolation Ward, United Christian Hospital
Introduction :
COVID-19 is a novel infectious disease causing outbreaks worldwide. There is no specific treatment for the time being and supportive care is effective. In Hong Kong, early isolation of infectious patients is performed to terminate the spread of the disease in the community. However, psychosocial support is no less important than infection control during an epidemic. These patients experienced social isolation and loss of freedom. Insufficient information, the uncertainty about the disease, no visitors and less interaction with staff may contribute to adverse psychological effects such as stress, anxiety and depression. The limited space and fittings of an isolation room with door closed may lead to feelings of loneliness, being neglected, boredom and stigmatization. In order to provide quality psychosocial care to isolated patients in the isolation ward and their families, some improvement strategies were adopted to promote staff awareness in patient care.
Objectives :
1. To identify patient’s psychosocial needs during hospitalization in the isolation ward.

2. To establish improvement strategies on psychosocial aspects for providing quality care to isolated patients and their families.

3. To enrich staff awareness in handling isolated patients and their families.
Methodology :
Firstly, the psychosocial needs of patients including the perception of isolation and social interaction were explored and identified. The perceptions of isolation are influenced by the physical environment. Social interaction can be maximized by empowering patients to have more self-control over their isolated environment. The following improvement strategies for identified needs were implemented, including:

1.Provide timely and adequate information and explanation of isolation procedures by

a. A 4-minute patient orientation video to introduce daily ward operations and isolation ward facilities such as safety of auto door and usage of call bell.

b. An admission notice :Notice on Admission to Isolation Ward” to facilitate healthcare service.

c. Phone Consultation by ward nurses to patients and relatives at least daily to update the progress and plan of care management.

2.Care for the daily needs of patients by

a. Offering admission personal care bag with tooth brush, toothpaste, shampoo, tissue, towel and slippers, etc. if needed with the collaboration of Patient Resource Centre.

3.Maximize patients’ social interaction with staff and relatives by

a. Enhancing Wi-Fi coverage at isolation ward and providing smartphone for patient to make video calls to relatives if needed.

b. Ensuring well-functioning of Intercom and a fixed-line telephone for patients to communicate with healthcare staff.
Result & Outcome :
All isolated patients were encouraged to voice out their needs and concerns. Feedbacks were also collected from them when discharge. They are satisfied and appreciated the care provided at the isolation ward especially on the psychosocial aspect. Awareness in providing psychosocial care to isolated patients and their families has been increased. Staff is happy with the new strategies provided which can maximize patients’ social interaction. Feedbacks were received through discussion and they understood that providing comprehensive care for isolated patients and their families is part and parcel of quality services.

Patient’s psychosocial needs has been fulfilled after the implementation of improvement strategies. The importance of effective communication and adequate provision of information to patients can improve their experience of being isolated. Keeping patients informed and giving time to express their needs can help to reduce their stress and anxiety.

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