Authors (including presenting author) :
Mo KC(1), Ng MW(1), Szeto YL(1), Tam WC(2), Ip YK(2), Wong WY(1), Tsang HC(1), To YL(1), Lam CW(2), Sun TF(3)
Affiliation :
(1)Physiotherapy department, North District Hospital, (2)Psychogeriatric outreach team, NTEC, (3)Hospital Chief Executive Office, North District Hospital
Introduction :
Facing coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19) pandemic, Tele-medicine was growing in public hospitals to balance between the high demand on medical consultations and maintain a high standard in infectious control with proper social distancing. Considering the advantages of tele-medicine, Tele-Physiotherapy program was piloted in Psycho-geriatric(PG) outreach service.
Physiotherapy(PT)-led Multimodal Stimulation and Movement program was launched in 2011 for NTEC PG clients living in private old aged homes(OAHs). Structured program with group intervention incorporated exercise with multimodal stimulations was conducted since the beginning. However, group activities with social interactions and contacts were not the first choice for training during COVID-19 pandemic.
Objectives :
To utilize tele-medicine as an alternative in PT training for PG clients living in OAHs during COVID-19 pandemic. The aims of tele-PT program include physical ability and mental state screening, gentle exercise and coordination training with adequate cognitive stimulations.
Methodology :
1. Assessed the readiness of OAH in joining tele-PT program.
2. Communicated and updated with PG outreach team on clinical and technical advantages and difficulties in using “Zoom could meetings”.
3. Formulated virtual version of PT training program.
Result & Outcome :
For clinical safety reasons, face-to-face initial assessment was essential before starting tele-PT program. 12/32(37.5%) private OAHs accepted our invitation and allowed PT visit during COVID-19 surge trending downward. All of them were technically ready for tele-care.
With selection criterion to ensure safety and enhance the efficacy of service delivered, 4/8(50%) of PG clients who suitable for tele-PT program were identified in an OAH. Individual training to all clients was conducted during COVID-19 surge trending downward, suitable clients continued the pilot tele-PT program in COVID-19 upward surge in early December 2020. Twice per week tele-PT sessions were conducted and each client experienced 15 minutes individual training in every session.
The pilot program is still in progress, details outcomes will be available in late January 2021. Clinically, 100% of clients were observed to concentrate for at least 10 minutes in the cloud meeting. Operationally, technical set-up time(10 minutes) largely outweighed travelling time(15-60 minutes) when comparing with traditional program.
To conclude, Tele-PT program potentially provides an alternative in subsequence PT training sessions for suitable PG clients living in OAHs.