Authors (including presenting author) :
FAN ST(1), CHAN Y(1), SIN YC(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Team, Kowloon East Cluster (KEC)
Introduction :
KEC is committed to minimizing our staff exposure to heat stress and noise through regular reviews. KEC OSH Team stock-took and stratified the risk levels of departments. Catering and Laundry Departments were identified as the high–risk ones. An OSH survey was conducted to assess the risk levels and review the effectiveness of the existing control measures.
Objectives :
- To ensure the exposure levels of heat stress and noise below corresponding requirements - To evaluate the effectiveness of existing control measures
Methodology :
1. KEC OSH Team conducted site visits to understand the existing hazards and control measures during July - August 2020. Key sampling locations were identified after collecting colleagues’ feedback during the site visits. The sampling locations included cooking, plating and dish-washing areas at Catering Departments in UCH and HHH, and ironing, sorting and soiled linen washing, drying and folding areas at Laundry Department in UCH. 2. Heat stress and noise exposure assessments were conducted by the competent persons of the KEC OSH Team, using a heat stress monitor and a sound level meter. The measurements in heat stress and noise were compared to the Threshold Limit Values (TLV) of the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists Standard (ACGIH), and the Factory and Industrial Undertakings (Noise at Work) Regulation (F&IU(NAW)R) respectively. 3. The effectiveness of the control measures was analyzed by competent persons in accordance with the recommendations of the local guidelines and practices.
Result & Outcome :
Results: All values measured in Catering and Laundry Departments met the corresponding requirements. The measured heat stress levels ranging from 27.7 - 30.5°C were lower than the corresponding standards of 31.0°C and 32.5°C. The measured noise levels ranging from 70.8 – 79.9dB(A) were lower than the requirement of 85dB(A). The peak noise ranging from 92.7 – 110.5dB were lower than the limit of 140dB. Effective control measures, such as regular maintenance of machines, staff training, and monitoring were satisfactorily implemented. Conclusions: KEC has demonstrated satisfactory performance in controlling heat stress and noise exposure in Catering and Laundry Departments. The results were shared at different OSH committees in KEC. Departments have been advised to conduct annual risk assessment including heat stress and noise so that the departments with high risk in these two areas would be regularly reviewed to ensure colleagues’ safety and health at work.