Enhancement of Infection Control

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Abstract Description
Abstract ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
Chow MSM, Leung PMQ, Kan CH
Affiliation :
INfection Control unit & Nursing Service Divison, Tuen Mun Hospital
Introduction :
In our hospitals, disinfecting BP cuffs between each patient would demand an additional time consuming step and may not be performed on a routine basis. Additionally, the expertise group illustrated that the shared patient equipment is a potential environmental route for transmission of SARS-CoV-2 virus and multi-drug resistant organisms. It indicates an urgent need to form a taskforce to formulate an improvement plan.
Objectives :
The aim of this program is to prevent the transmission of pathogens to other patients on using medical equipment among patients.
Methodology :
In view of minimizing risk of cross infection in using medical equipment among patients, a taskforce was formed for discussing the enhancement on infection control measures in ward setting. The taskforce is comprised of staff nurse representatives from all clinical departments within the cluster hospitals, Cluster Nursing Service Department, Cluster Infection Control Team and Procurement and Materials Management Unit. Cluster General Nursing Manager is a chairman to lead the taskforce. The plan-do-check-act (PDCA) cycle was adopted to initiate and implement change for improvement to achieve this project’s aim. A pre-assessment was done on existing BP machines, cuff connectors, BP monitoring processes and cleaning procedures.

Based on pre-assessment observations, the taskforce members discussed the issues, examined the literatures, and reached a consensus on the enhanced infection control measures on using patient-care equipment. The following are the observations and proposed solutions:
Result & Outcome :
The project was successfully piloted within the Medicine and Geriatrics Department from May to June 2020. Then the program was initiated throughout all cluster hospitals in 3rd Quarter of 2020.

Monthly audit was done to all wards in cluster hospitals to check for compliance with standard protocol. After fully implemented the program for 3 months, the overall compliance rate is 100%. All the nursing staff and supporting staff were accepted despite the workload was increased.

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