Authors (including presenting author) :
Cheung WM(1), Pang YK(1), Yuen SL(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Department of Surgery, Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Introduction :
During the COVID-19 period, most of the activities was prohibited in order to minimize the social contact and the spared of disease. Therefore, in order to maintain the quality of care and continue to promote the staff awareness of pressure injury prevention during this critical period, we had designed one set of questions which was related to the knowledge of pressure injury prevention in the form of crossword puzzle competition for the nurses.
We also designed one set of matching games which was related to knowledge of pressure injury prevention for the supporting staffs. The game sheets was delivered to the nursing and supporting staffs in the department of Surgery on the 'World Wide Pressure Injury Prevention Day' on 19/11/2020.
Objectives :
To maintain the quality of care and also increase the staff awareness of pressure injury prevention during the COVID-19 period.
Methodology :
The correct answer among nurses was over 94%
and the correct answer among supporting staff was over 96%.