Psychometric Validation of Cantonese Version Cognitive Flexibility Inventory

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Abstract Description
Abstract ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
Wong SL(1), Leung HC(2), Wong NWB(2), Wong P(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Ward L2, Kwai Chung Hospital, (2)Intensive Care Team, Kwai Chung Hospital
Introduction :
The study included a psychometric validated on a translated a questionnaire named Cognitive Flexibility Inventory (CFI) from its original English version to Cantonese version (CFICAN), which would be more feasible in local clinical setting.
Objectives :
To establish a language-friendly questionnaire investigating cognitive flexibility for outcome evaluation of interventional program and health assessment amongst clients in local mental health service.
Methodology :
The Cognitive Flexibility Inventory Cantonese Version (CFICAN) had been translated in 2017. The translation reviewed by psychiatrists, professor, psychiatric nurses and social worker, content validity index was higher than 0.90, and back translation was accepted by original author. The study consecutively invited 104 patients under community psychiatric service to use the tools for twice, no diagnosis-wise exclusion applied as cognitive flexibility is common executive function. For validation, it was investigated the internal consistency, test re-test reliability, concurrent validity, construct validity through reliability analysis, t-test, correlation with Perceived Stress Scale Chinese Version (PSSC) and exploratory factor analysis.
Result & Outcome :
This is the first local study explored the application of CFICFA amongst clients engaged psychiatric service, suggesting the CFICFA is a validated tool to measure cognitive flexibility of targets. The studied included 104 patients from 3 units. The Cronbach’s Alpha=0.918 indicated high internal consistency. A high test re-test reliability was concluded when the tool administrated in 5 weeks. The patient had higher cognitive flexibility reflected by CFICFA were associated with lower perceived stress in PSSC. Items in CFICFA established 2 latent factor which was as same as the original construct.

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