Authors (including presenting author) :
Chan WH(1), Chan YS(1), Yu LF(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Department of Orthopaedic, Kwong Wah Hospital
Introduction :
In view of the increasing numbers of incidents included medication incident, fall, patient identification and etc. It’s time to review and update the current practices and guidelines; through the education program, to promote the staff awareness in daily practices; and, also to learn new knowledge in COVID-19 updates. There were 13 in-house training programs held in our department.Orthopaedic staff participation rate was 100% in these in-house sharing programs.
Objectives :
Every staff member gained the knowledge from the education program and also from their presentation preparation. The nurses were facilitated of self-exploration, engagement in multiple ways of learning and diverse learning experience; to learn and engage; experience of challenge in supportive. Facilitating other colleagues to strengthen their knowledge, reviewed the daily procedures and learned the new knowledge. Collaboration with team members is also another purpose of this program.
Methodology :
All Orthopaedic APNs, RNs and ENs participated in these in-house sharing. The RNs were randomly assigned to the APN groups. Each session was around 20-30 minutes. Each session included presentation, demonstration / drama / scenario and Q&A time. The staff needed to fill in the questionnaire after the in-house training. Each session was rated by attended nurses, WMs and the DOM.
Result & Outcome :
76% of the questionnaires were returned. All staff agreed that they gained more knowledge during the topic preparation. 97% agreed that they got a new idea and felt happy to cooperate with group-mates. 100% agree that the content sharing was practical to their daily works, they could get new insights through this sharing programs. 100 % staff agreed the sharing sessions could enhance their awareness. Over 97% were satisfied with this briefing as a whole. Over 95% of staff were willing to join this sharing again, in future.