Authors (including presenting author) :
Suen WS, Li KL, Lee KY, Choi WK, Poon WF, Chang SPV
Affiliation :
Department of Occupational Therapy, Prince of Wales Hospital
Introduction :
Carer of dementia patients are facing enormous caring stress, the consequences will lead to increase patient’s vulnerability and long-term disability. Under the pandemic of COVID-19, researches showed that dementia patients got worsening of Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (BPSD) in the situation of suspension of regular dementia services and impoverishment of social contacts. It definitely tightens the screws on our carer of dementia. Further delay of dementia services is not an option. In 2020, Occupational Therapy Department in Prince of Wales Hospital ran a pilot program of carer intervention of dementia with technology support, we called it – Carer Empowerment Program (Tele-Rehab).
Objectives :
- To use of technology to maintain quality services to carer of dementia in pandemic of COVID-19. - To enhance carers’ knowledge and skills in handling patient’s BPSD and managing their own caring stress. - To minimize potential domestic hazard and triggering factors of BPSD in patient’s living environment. - To allow carer to access dementia resources readily so as to maximize carer support.
Methodology :
CEPD (Tele-Rehab) was an 8-session program covering 5 sessions of group real-time video intervention and 3 sessions of phone call and messaging for individual consultation. Therefore, no need to have face-to-face session once the carer was recruited.
Program content:
1. Dementia disease education
2. Caring skills training included enhancing communication skills, environmental modification awareness, skills in activities prescription to dementia and health monitoring awareness
3. “Care for the carer” was to empower carer in stress management
Program features
1. Distance learning
2. E-resources platform
3. Tele-individual consultation
4. Tele-home screening assessment and recommendation
5. Distance monitoring in home assignment
Zarit Burden Interview, Caregiver Competence Scale, Caregiver Preparedness Scale were selected as outcome measures. Outcome measures were taken before program, at completion and post 3 months of program. Furthermore, a tailor-made electronic satisfaction survey was designed for program evaluation.
Result & Outcome :
1. 4 family groups were recruited with 100% attendance.
2. The average score of Zarit Burden interview dropped from 41/88 to 29/88 and post 3 month follow up score maintained at 30/88.
3. The average score of Caregiver Competence Scale after completion of program was increased by 13% whereas increment score of post 3 months follow up was able to maintain at 16%.
4. For Caregiver Preparedness Scale, post program average score improved by 18% while the improvement continue sustained after 3 months of program, increment score was 12%.
5. Program satisfaction survey revealed 100% satisfaction on
● program content for carer skills enhancement
● occupational therapist’s effectiveness in responding attendant’s questions
● online dementia resources in E-resources platform
● mode of service by Tele-Rehab in comparing to traditional face-to-face intervention.
This pilot program of CEPD (Tele-Rehab) indicated a preliminary success, further data collection is inevitable for ensuring the effectiveness of our program.