Improvement program of wound management after transradial procedures

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Abstract Description
Abstract ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
Chan ST, Luk SL, Tsoi HL, Lai KT, Yiu SC, Lee PY, Yiu KH, Tong WC.
Affiliation :
Coronary Care Unit, Medical Department, North District Hospital
Introduction :
Coronary angiography is now mainly performed via the radial route rather than the femoral route in NDH. Radial compression device is applied after transradial procedures to achieve hemostasis. Staff have reflected that it is difficult to follow the existing radial compression device removal protocol such as they need longer time to deflate the device than the suggested deflation time from the current protocol.

Moreover, they reflected that bleeding was common to observe in the first attempt to deflate the device.

There are different radial compression device removal guidelines from the manufacturers. By modified the manufacturers’ guidelines, a new radial compression device removal protocol will be introduced in our ward. We hope to find a protocol which has a shorter removal time and fewer device related complications. By finding a better protocol, better nursing care can be promoted in our clinical setting.
Objectives :
To compare the efficacy of 2 protocols in terms of total time to remove the radial compression device, complications and staff satisfaction.
Methodology :
1) Introduce the project and provide education of complications of transradial procedures to nursing staff by doctor.

2) Collect data of current radial compression device removal protocol for 5 weeks.

3) At the end of 5th week, collect staff opinions of current protocol by questionnaire, and introduce the new radial compression device removal protocol to nursing staff.

4) Implement the new radial compression device removal protocol and collect data of the new protocol for another 5 weeks

5) Collect staff opinions of the new protocol by questionnaire at the end of the 10th week.

6) Results analysis.
Result & Outcome :
The new protocol has better results than the current protocol in terms of shorter total radial compression device applying time and fewer device related complications. We collected 37 cases of current protocol and 38 cases of new protocol. Around 70% cases of new protocol have shorter deflation time than the standard deflation time of current protocol without complications. In addition, the severity of complications occurred with new protocol is lesser than those with old protocol.

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