Authors (including presenting author) :
Pang KT(1), Chu L(1), Chan HT(2)
Affiliation :
(1)Department of Pharmacy, The Duchess of Kent Children's Hospital at Sandy Bay (2)Department of Anaesthesiology, The Duchess of Kent Children's Hospital at Sandy Bay
Introduction :
Same day admission has been arranged for eligible joint surgery patients in DKCH. Patients would need to manage their usual medications themselves before operation. For example, patients would need to take note of the special arrangement of their antihypertensive and antidiabetic agents in the morning of operation.
Objectives :
1. To ensure patients understand and comply with the special instructions on medications by anesthetist before operation 2. To reinforce drug compliance
Methodology :
Pharmacist counselling service is provided by Pharmacist at Pre-Admission Clinic to educate patient on the management of drug before operation and reinforce drug compliance.
Result & Outcome :
A total of 95 patients received pharmacist counselling from July to November 2020 and positive comments were received. Patients overall agreed that the service can enhance their knowledge in their medications and ensure compliance in pre-operation instructions in medications.