Authors (including presenting author) :
Ho CM, Jim CH, Cheung KY, Yip KY, Tse LY, To KM, Lau WC, Cheung SC, Chiu BF, Au KM
Affiliation :
Occupational Therapy Department, Tai Po Hospital
Introduction :
Hong Kong endures mental health blow during the COVID-19 outbreak. The population stress level, prevalence of anxiety, and depression symptoms significantly increased. However, mental health service was generally affected during the outbreak. Due to unforeseeable circumstances, the development of tele mental health is in emergent need. Asynchronous mode tele mental health service is reviewed to be a feasible and helpful service delivery model. A team of psychiatric occupational therapists develops Love Living 2.0 (愛生活) App materials to manage the change of service mode during the critical time.
Objectives :
To enhance the lifestyle balance and mental health of patient with mental illness during the COVID-19 outbreak by developing tele mental health program Love Living 2.0.
Methodology :
Love Living 1.0 was a self-learning lifestyle redesign package funded by the Labor and Welfare Bureau in 2010. Love Living 2.0 project is to advance the package into 28 days self learning App including daily educational videos, interactive learning materials and a electronic story book. A team of 10 occupational therapists was formed then to plan, formulate, organize, execute, and complete 2.0 Project in 6 months.
Result & Outcome :
Love Living 2.0 App focuses on 4 major areas of occupational therapy lifestyle redesign including understanding of 1) Occupational balance, 2) Life role and functioning, 3) Goal setting steps and 4) Engagement in meaningful occupation. Love Living 2.0 App was developed within a limited budget and short period, staff engagement is essential including clear goals, communication and support, holistic teamwork analysis, planning, and monitoring.
Tele mental health is elemental in future development. Under limited resources and time, a pilot on Love Living 2.0 App is accomplished through effective teamwork. Potential expansion of Love Living 2.0 App to other disease groups, volunteer groups, or staff will be explored in the future.