Authors (including presenting author) :
Suen SM(1), Chow C(2), Lau SH(3), Lai TW(4)
Affiliation :
(1)Department of Neurosurgery, Princess Margaret Hospital, (2)Central Nursing Division, Princess Margaret Hospital, (3)Quality & safety Department, Princess Margaret Hospital, (4)Planning and Commissioning Team, KWC
Introduction :
-Traditional paper poster (i.e. a large-format piece of paper fixed in a wall / notice board) is the most common format for information display
-Some disadvantages are that conventional format is the cost related to printing, static information display is not motivating and infection control issue
-No standardized information display format between departments
-E-Poster is presented as good alternative to classical paper poster since they can be used as a different way to display information
Objectives :
-To standardize information display format in PMH & LKB
-To display relevant information on e-Poster display monitors according to departments’ needs
-To reduce numbers of printed posters fixed in a wall/ notice board
Methodology :
-To install e-Poster display monitors at lift lobby in PMH & LKB
-To select information and design the display shown on the e-Poster display monitor
-To conduct satisfactory survey on e-Poster display
Result & Outcome :
-To reduce numbers of printed posters at lift lobby
-Staff and visitors can achieve information via e-Poster display monitor
-Eliminate all paper posters at lift lobby
-Staff and visitors show satisfactory towards the e-Poster display