A Pilot Survey on Clinical Application of Hong Kong Brief Cognitive (HKBC) Test in Occupational Therapy Department – Comparison of HKBC with HK-MoCA and HK-MoCA 5-Min

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Abstract Description
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Authors (including presenting author) :
Law ST(1), Lui PY(1), Chan WC(1), Yue SY(1), Ip WM(1), Lau M(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Occupational Therapy Department, Shatin Hospital
Introduction :
Occupational Therapy (OT) Department of Shatin Hospital (SH) had a high service volume for cognitive assessment. In 8/2018 – 7/2019, 80% of cases received cognitive assessment by occupational therapist (OT). Common cognitive screening tests used in our department were Montreal Cognitive Assessment Hong Kong Version (HK-MoCA) and Montreal Cognitive Assessment 5-Minute Protocol Hong Kong Version (HK-MoCA 5-Min). In 2018, a new cognitive screening test – Hong Kong Brief Cognitive (HKBC) Test was developed. The test comprised of several cognitive domains including immediate recall/ attention, delayed recall, recent memory, orientation, frontal lobe function test, general knowledge, visuo-spatial construction, executive function and language. Its advantages included short administration time (7 minutes) and minimal educational bias.
Objectives :
To explore the applicability of HKBC as a cognitive screening test for our clientele in OT department of SH
Methodology :
A pilot survey was conducted in June 2019 – Jan 2021. Subjects aged 60 or above with clinical diagnosis of dementia were recruited from Medical & Geriatric (M&G) and Psychogeriatric (PG) teams of SH OT department. Cognitive screening tests of HK-MoCA & HKBC and HK-MoCA 5-Min & HKBC were conducted for data analysis. Questionnaires were collected from 38 OTs on their experience in using HKBC.
Result & Outcome :
78 subjects conducted HK-MoCA & HKBC and 93 subjects conducted HK-MoCA 5-Min & HKBC. There were 61% of female and 39% of male. The age range of subjects was from 60-98, 53% ≥ 80 years old. 55% of subjects had less than 6 years of education. The concordant rate of clinical diagnosis of dementia in HK-MoCA and HKBC were 62.8% & 87.2% respectively. The concordant rate of clinical diagnosis of dementia in HK-MoCA 5-Min & HKBC were 74.2 % & 91.4% respectively. The result showed that HKBC had a higher concordant rate of clinical diagnosis of dementia as compared with HK-MoCA and HK-MoCA 5-Min. 38 OTs reported that HKBC with shorter administration time and it was not necessary to verify education levels as compared with HK-MoCA. 95% OT reported that HKBC provided more cognitive domains with similar administration time as compared with HK-MoCA 5-Min. The preliminary findings suggested that HKBC could be another option for cognitive screening test for M&G and PG teams in SH OT department. Limitation of this pilot survey was small sample size and using convenience sample, further study involving a larger number of subjects were required.

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