Are HA staff ready for COVID vaccine? Does COVID pandemic change staff’s attitude on influenza vaccination? – Survey by CMC Staff Clinic

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Abstract Description
Abstract ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
Yip WK(1), Fok PA(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Department of Family Medicine & Primary Health Care, Kowloon West Cluster, Hospital Authority
Introduction :
Several COVID vaccines are being developed to combat the COVID pandemic. A global survey (Oct 2020, Nature Medicine) showed 71.5% potential acceptance rate of COVID vaccine. The readiness of HA staff for COVID vaccine, however, is unclear. Besides, it is suggested that influenza may facilitate the transmission of COVID and their co-infection showed worse outcome. Enhancing the uptake of readily available seasonal influenza vaccination (SIV) among health care workers is hence essential.
Objectives :
To assess the potential acceptance of COVID vaccine among HA staff. Their intention for 2020 SIV and whether it is affected by the COVID pandemic, was also assessed.
Methodology :
A cross-sectional survey among HA staff attending CMC staff clinic was conducted in 10/2020 by self-administered anonymous questionnaire. Their potential acceptance of COVID vaccine; intention for 2020 SIV, and any change of view due to COVID pandemic, were reported.
Result & Outcome :
Total 229 / 300 questionnaires were completed (response rate = 76.3%). The overall potential acceptance of COVID vaccine was 60%, whereas by job categories was: Doctor (67%), Nurse (52%), Allied Health (50%), Administrative (41%), Supporting (67%); by age group: Age 20-29 (37%); Age 30-39 (53%), Age 40-49 (72%), Age 50 or above (62%).

The 2019 reported SIV rate was 53.2%, whereas 72% of staff intended to take 2020 SIV. Among those without SIV in 2019, 43.9% intended to do so this year. 25% of staff reported that COVID pandemic changed their view on SIV. The top 2 reasons for increase intention of SIV were: SIV may reduce the chance of COVID infection and its complications (84%); and SIV could reduce the frequency of medical consultations (37.3%). For those with negative view, the main concern was about the infection control measures in staff clinic.


The potential acceptance of COVID vaccine of HA staff in this survey was 60%, which is lower than the global acceptance rate of 71.5%. Hopefully, with more information about COVID vaccine being released, HA staff would build their trust in the COVID vaccine, which is crucial to combat the pandemic in HK.

Also, some staff expressed concern about infection control measures of staff clinic which hinder their intent for SIV. Vaccination on Wheel service may help to reduce their concern. Promotion campaign to promulgate the benefits of SIV under COVID pandemic may be beneficial.

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