Authors (including presenting author) :
Li CHY, Lai EOL, Yeung SSY, Tsoi HHY, Lui WWY, Chan EOY, Chiu FPH, Wong WTS, Ng PH, Wong HSY, Kong HS, Chui WCM
Affiliation :
Department of Pharmacy, Queen Mary Hospital
Introduction :
Drug stock replenishment in wards is a routine service provided by the Department of Pharmacy. The current procedure is performed by one dispenser checking the drug visually against shelf label to match the right location. Heavy workload and increasing look-alike and sound-alike medications imposes potential risk of medication misplacement into wrong location.
Objectives :
1. To enhance medication safety in the drug stock replenishment process in wards
2. To ensure accuracy of drug stock replenishment to the right location in ward, without significant change in efficiency of the stock replenishment process
Methodology :
Electronic Drug Checking System using QR code scanning was employed to facilitate the drug stock replenishment process in wards. 2D barcode, containing information on drug name, dosage form and strength, were displayed on both drug label and shelf label.
A handheld scanner was used to cross match the 2D barcodes on drug label and shelf label, a “matched” signal was given to the dispenser for the right drug filling to the right location on drug shelf.
Mann-Whitney U Test was used to detect any statistically significant difference on the time required for drug stock replenishment per item between wards not employed the system and ward employed the system.
Result & Outcome :
The use of the Electronic Drug Checking System was piloted in a medical ward since October 2019. From October to November 2019, 100% accuracy of right drug filling to the right location on drug shelf was achieved in the medical ward employed the system. The average time required for drug stock replenishment per item in medical wards not employed the system and medical ward employed the system was 20.84 seconds and 21.76 seconds respectively. No statistically significant difference in the time required was detected (p=0.47). The use of the Electronic Drug Checking System has now been extended to other medical wards starting from 2020.
The Electronic Drug Checking System is useful in enhancing medication safety without significantly increasing the time required for drug stock replenishment. This ensures safe and efficient drug stock replenishment by dispensers in wards.