Authors (including presenting author) :
Tso S(1), Chow G(1), Lui PM(1), Wong SY(1), Lee KM(1), Chan JSL(1), Chan ASF(1), Chan CMY(1), Sey TK(1), Tang FSK(1), Law WS(1), Tung KH(1)
Affiliation :
(1) Siu Lam Hospital
Introduction :
SLH provides infirmary and rehabilitation services for patients with severe intellectual disability. Biopsychosocial implications of cognitive impairment make them vulnerable to health problems and at risk of incident. They also have difficulty in communicating their concerns to the carers, restrictive interventions such as physical restraint were used to support their health needs. As restrictive interventions could cause harm to the patients, the use of this strategy was therefore reviewed. Safety alarm belt is designed to address their needs promptly in a less restrictive environment. They are thus employed to support patients' needs.
Objectives :
The objectives are to: 1) enhance patient safety in a least restrictive environment, 2) enhance patient observation, 3) alert staff to attend to the needs of patient promptly, 4) reduce the use of physical restraint
Methodology :
Patients who were at risk of incident when they attempted to get out of bed/chair without support were selected to be supported with safety alarm belt. Data were collected via objective and subjective method. Number of patient required physical restraint and related patient incident such as falls before and after using the belt, and incident of false alarm arising from technical problem were collected. Staff perceptions on the use of the belt were explored. Effectiveness of the belt was analyzed with regard to the objective and subjective data obtained.
Result & Outcome :
A total of 19 patients were recruited, 42.1% were at risk of incidents when they attempted to get out of bed/chair without support while 57.9% were at risk of incidents when they walked without support. Previously, 8 patients used physical restraint, 7 patients employed waist/trunk belt, and 2 patients used fixed safety belt to prevent incident, all no longer required those devices after using the belt. There was no related patient incident such as fall reported before and after using it. There was no false alarm incident reported. Positive feedbacks were obtained from staff: safety alarm belt did not only enhance patient safety, but also enhance patient observations and facilitate early intervention, their safety was enhanced in a least-restrictive environment. The safety alarm belt was concluded to be effective in enhancing care quality and patient safety, and preventing patient incident or falls.