Authors (including presenting author) :
Lee SKJ (1)(2), Wong WYE (1)(2)
Affiliation :
(1) Prince of Wales Hospital (2) Alice Ho Nethersole Hospital
Introduction :
Department of Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) under New Territories East Cluster has been providing "Fast Track Services" for patients attending Accident and Emergency Department (AED) with complaints, such as ongoing epistaxis and quinsy (peritonsillar abscess). Without jeopardising patients' safety in mind, ENT Fast Track Service is launched to relieve work load off our ENT and AED colleagues at off-office hours by providing admission rights to our AED staffs for next day assessment at ENT ward for further management of patients' ongoing ENT problems. This has also omitted the necessity for patient attending ENT Specialty Out-Patient Clinic before being admitted to our wards for treatment plan whilst alleviating the number of patient required to be seen at our clinic thus better utilising the out-patient settings.
Objectives :
Reducing AED and ENT SOPC work load thus to better utilise individual departmental's resources.
Methodology :
Retrospective observation study of the past two years, 2019 and 2020, in the number of patients being referred to Department of ENT via the Fast Track Services.
Result & Outcome :
In the year of 2019: 67 epistaxis + 51 quinsy + 14 Foreign Body Ingestion + 4 Others = 136 2020: 43 epistaxis + 43 quinsy + 12 Foreign Body Ingestion + 2 Others = 100