Authors (including presenting author) :
Chan YH Grace(1),Tseh OY Eva(1),Ieng SM(1),Chung ML(1),Ho CW(1),Wong HY(1),Ling PS Teresa(1),Kwok KT(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Tuberculosis and Chest Unit,Grantham Hospital.
Introduction :
In today busy ward setting, early detection of patient deterioration and fall prevention are important and challenging nursing roles. Early Sense system was newly introduced to 7BC ward in 2019 with aim of proactive patient management by use of advanced technology. The Early sense system consists of a portable device connected to power source at beside, a bed Sensor unit simply placed under patient’s bed mattress without patient’s attention. The information would be easily monitored through a Remote Control Display at nurse station. Portable pagers for prompt alert to night shift staff are also available. Through the continuously monitoring of patient's vital sign (Heart Rate, Respiratory Rate) and motion to help detect early deterioration and reduce fall.
Objectives :
1. Earlier detection of patient deterioration. 2. Reduce patient fall.
Methodology :
1.Liaison with Facility Management for feasibility of setting up the system. 2.Demonstration and training sessions for staff training. 3.Video and quick reference guide for staff’s easy reference. 4.Pilot run for few months with both patient and staff satisfactions done before further rolling out. 5.Sharing the experience through common platform such as patient safety workgroup to let more stakeholders buy in.
Result & Outcome :
1. Early Detection of Patient Deterioration. 2. Fall Risk Reductions. 1. Patient satisfaction with good feedback 2. Staff satisfaction with good feedback 3. No fall incidents occurred to those patient being applied with this system.