Authors (including presenting author) :
Fu PC, Tang Vivien, Lui Natalie, Li WH, Mok HT
Affiliation :
Community Nursing Services, Kowloon Hospital
Introduction :
Central Venous Catheter (CVC) requires specific care to maintain its functions. Careful management of the catheter and dressing site is important for the successful maintenance and catheter longevity. Since the establishment of the Hong Kong Children’s Hopital in 2019, CVC care in pediatric patients in a community setting has been increasing. However, Community Nurses have little experience in pediatric care and are not familiar with CVC care in pediatric patients. Therefore a program was launched in order to enhance the competency of Community Nurses in taking care of CVC.
Objectives :
Provide guidance for the care and management of CVC in Pediatric Patients. Promote consistent standards of CVC care in Pediatric Patient in a community setting.Minimize catheter related infections and complications as to promote patient’s safe and quality care in community setting.
Methodology :
A program was designed which consists of two parts, a lecture and a workshop. The lecture was conducted to all Kowloon Hospital’s Community Nurses. The lecture included an introduction to different types of CVC, the functions of CVC, procedures for dressing and flushing the Catheter as well as emergency handling. The workshop was held to demonstrate how to perform the dressing and flushing of the catheter, Community Nurses were required to return demonstration individually in order to gain more experience and hands-on practice.
Result & Outcome :
A total of 62 community nurses and student nurses participated into the program and it benefitted all of them. 100% of them agreed that the workshop enhanced their knowledge and skills for the care of CVC. And 96.7% of them reported that they have more confidence to handle pediatric CVC care on dressing or flushing techniques after the workshop. Overall, all the nurses are satisfied with the program which enriched their CVC knowledge.