Authors (including presenting author) :
Lo S.W.
Affiliation :
Nursing Service Division
Introduction :
Childhood obesity is a serious health problem that may affect children until their adulthood. Although different programs have been conducted previously to promote healthy lifestyle behaviour, the effectiveness of these programs is still controversial. As a parent is an agent having great impact on children, the effectiveness of the parent-based childhood obesity program was assessed.
Objectives :
1. To design and implement a parent-based education programme for childhood obesity in Hong Kong. 2. To assess parent'sself-efficacy in managing obesity-related problem behavior of children. 3 To explore the influence of a parent-based education program in reducing BMI percentile, waist circumference of children in the study period.
Methodology :
It is a randomized, controlled trial study. 128 pairs of primary school students and parents were recruited to participation. They were divided as two groups and were received 10-weeks interventions and a maintenance period of 10 weeks. During intervention period, parents were given education on health knowledge, information of childhood obesity and parenting skills for managing obesity -related problem behavior of children. Health information sheets were delivered as well. Parents were encouraged to use such knowledge and strategies in this period. Parents were asked to complete the Lifestyle Behaviour Checkist" to assess parent's self-efficacy in managing the child's behavior. BMI, waist circumference and weight status of children were measured at baseline, at week 10, week 15 and week 20 after the baseline.
Result & Outcome :
There was no significant differences on parent's self-efficacy in managing the obesity-related problem behavior of children between the two groups. However, parents reported the significant improvement on their confidence level in managing children's obesity-related behaviour (physical activity). There were no significant difference of changing BMI, waist circumference and weight status of children between two groups. The intervention group had a better effect in reducing BMI in different time intervals.