How Continence Nurses could help patients to improve their urinary symptoms by controlling their water drinking habit?

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Abstract Description
Abstract ID :
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Authors (including presenting author) :
PF Kwok, ASW Wong, YY Chung, CY Yung, KY Edmund Sha
Affiliation :
Continence Team, Nursing Service Division, United Christian Hospital, HKSAR
Introduction :
Continence nurses serve a special role to help patients to manage their urinary symptoms through assessing patient drinking and voiding habit. By introducing a good time drinking habit method and bladder training, urinary symptoms could be improved significantly.
Objectives :
To review patient pre & post on water intake, voiding volume and frequency of voiding
Methodology :
Data was collected and retrieved retrospectively from Continence Nurse Led Clinics at United Christian Hospital from 1st August,2019 to 31st July, 2020 (1-year data). Clinical data were analyzed by Paired t-test of SPSS Version 20.0.
Result & Outcome :
Total 327 patients with 206 females and 121 males’ information were reviewed, their average age was 69.3. And 87.2% of patients with urinary frequency and urgency with or without urinary incontinence, before they are receiving education from Continence Nurse, their average total water intake per day was 1129 ml, average daytime voiding interval was 1.1 hours with voided volume 100 ml together with night time frequency was 3 times. After drinking modification treatment, the average total water intake per day was increased to 1230 ml (P value < 0.001), average daytime voiding interval was double extended to 2.7 hours with voided volume 249 ml. The night time frequency was decreased to 1.7 times (P value < 0.001). Most of the patient appreciated and shown satisfaction with the outcomes.

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