Authors (including presenting author) :
Affiliation :
Community Nursing Services, Kowloon Hospital.
Introduction :
In the peak of pandemic of COVID-19, Hong Kong people believed that the infection control measures in Hong Kong were more reliable and experience than western countries. Therefore, they chose to come back from other countries. Under the epidemic of COVID-19, the neediest are admitted to hospital whereas the patient will be early discharged once the acute problems solved. There is a new challenge for community nurse in taking care of client under home quarantine. They must stay at home all the times within 14 days of mandatory quarantine. Not only they cannot go out strictly but also visitors are not allowed. If those quarantine people have home care need, community nursing care can support. They were fear of without nursing care in home setting. On the other hand, they worried about the community nurse got infected once they were positive of COVID-19 during the home quarantine period. Therefore, nursing care under home quarantine care can facilitate client to continue to cover at home or residential in the community and minimize the utilization of hospital service.
Objectives :
Provide continuity care to client in community and minimize the utilization of hospital service within 28
days of hospital discharge.
2. Facilitate client to compliance of home quarantine to minimize the number of infections in public.
Methodology :
Community nurses provided home quarantine care to client at home or residential from March 2020 to November 2020. Total 10 cases were included.
Strategies to manage clients under home quarantine:
1. Identify the period of home quarantine and the necessary of nursing care before home visit.
2. Strictly appropriate PPE for CNS is required.
3. Enhance the revision of infection control techniques to CNS.
4. Instruct client and family members/ care giver to wear a surgical mask during home visit.
5. Empower client and care giver on related nursing care and provide phone consultation.
6. Dispose PPE appropriately and perform hand hygiene after home visit of quarantine case.
Result & Outcome :
Total 10 home quarantine cases were recruited in the period from March 2020 to November 2020. No utilization of hospital service of them was found within 28 days of hospital discharge. Clients were compliance of home quarantine and rehabilitated in progress. It is a win-win approach for client can receive continuing nursing care at home and minimize the risk of infection to public.