Authors (including presenting author) :
Sam Shih (1) Ashley Chan (1) Eva Yeung (1) Amily Tsang (1) Rose Chiu (1) Menza Chu (1) Magdalene Poon (1)
Affiliation :
(1)Occupational Therapy Department, Kwai Chung Hospital
Introduction :
Literatures have indicated that stress was associated with common mental disorders and work stress trebled the risk of development of common mental disorders. A valid & reliable psychological stress scale could facilitate clinicians to understand service users’ stress level so as to render quality services. Chinese version of Perceived stress scale -10 (CPSS-10), which was a wildly used 10-item scale and designed to measure self-perceived psychological stress, was validated in the population of outpatients with common mental disorders with different employment status.
Objectives :
To examine the psychometric properties of CPSS-10 on people with common mental disorders with different employment status.
Methodology :
A total of 252 participants from two common mental disorders clinics of East Kowloon Psychiatric Centre and West Kowloon Psychiatric Centre were recruited. The data were analyzed by exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory analysis for construct validity. The concurrent validity was examined by its correlation with other measures. The internal consistency was estimated by Cronbach’s alpha coefficient. T-test was used to detect the gender difference and group difference between employment and unemployment. The predictors of CPSS-10 were investigated by multiple linear regression analysis.
Result & Outcome :
Principal component analysis with varimax rotation yielded two factors, namely perceived coping & perceived distress, which accounted for 63.82% of the total variance while confirmatory factor analysis confirmed its factor structure [ X2/DF < 3; RMR = .040; GFI = .949; CFI = .960; RMSEA = .065 (CI: .044 - .087); GFI == .949, TLI = .957.]. Pearson’s correlation coefficients showed that CPSS-10 had positively moderate to strong correlation with PHQ-9 (r = .68, p< .01); GAD-7 (r = .68, p< .01), WHO-5 (r= -.60, p< .01) and work and social adjustment scale (WSAS) (r = .55, p< .01), indicating its acceptable concurrent validity. The internal consistency was from acceptable to good for two subscales and overall 10 items (α=.78 to .89) while the item-total correlation was adequate except item 7. Also, there were no group differences among gender and employment status. Finally, the total score of CPSS-10 could be predicted by GAD-7, WHO5, WSAS, diagnosis of depression, and number of children from multiple linear regression analysis [F(5,246) = 73.325, p< .001, R2 = .598], which indicated that the model explained 59.8% of variances. Conclusion: Chinese version of perceived stress scale-10 is a reliable and valid instrument for people with common mental disorders with different employment status.