Authors (including presenting author) :
SZETO SY(1), LAM HL (2), LEE SF (3)
Affiliation :
United Christian Hospital, Property Management and Supporting Services Department
Introduction :
Administrative teams receive numerous Security, Maintenance and Housekeeping related requests and feedback from user departments every day. Response teams were required to attend the site to look into the details then prepare necessary tools/ materials before taking follow up actions.
To go with the SMART strategy of the hospital, the Property Management and Support Services Department has introduced four instant communication channels for colleagues to report and feedback via text, voice, photo and video.
As a picture is worth a thousand words, it is believed that the smart service channels would allow a more efficient, effective and seamless communication between staff and administrative teams. A more specific multimedia report would also ensure immediate response.
Objectives :
1. To ensure immediate, efficient and seamless communication via prevailing electronic means
2. To provide an efficient and effective communication channel
Methodology :
Four instant communication (WhatsApp) channels - “Security”, “Maintenance”, “Housekeeping” and “Emergency” channels were set and run in parallel with existing service hotlines. Channel holders were arranged to response to the messages and hotlines around the clock. In the meantime, 90 mobile devices equipped with data SIM cards and WhatsApp application were provided to wards, pilot departments and frontline supervisors. Users were encouraged to submit the feedback and enquiries to service channels by either department devices or personal devices.
After receiving the request, channel holder would acknowledge, forward the message to frontline response team and report to user. With the comprehensive information from multimedia messages, frontline supervisors could have better understanding on the issue and plan for the most direct and appropriate response.
Result & Outcome :
Over 600 messages were received by the channels since the commencement in July 2019 (figure as at Dec 2019). Positive feedbacks were received from users and they agreed that the use of WhatsApp channel allowed a more instant, convenience as well as efficient communication with administrative teams, especially for contingency arrangements. Also, users could make use of the department mobile devices to develop other smart communication means with the teams. Frontline response teams also expressed that the service channel has facilitated their preparation and follow up works.