A New Era of Digitalization in Nursing Care in Emergency Medicine Ward (EMW) of Tin Shui Wai Hospital (TSWH): the first dual “Smart” pilot projects in Hospital Authority (HA): the electronic bed panel (eBP) & vital signs (VS

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Abstract Description
Abstract ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
TANG H (1), CHAN WL (1), LAM WM (1), LAI SO (1), CHEUNG LM (1), LAU CL (1), LEE L (1), LAI J (1), LUI CT (1), TONG A (2), YIU K C (2), YU W (2)
Affiliation :
(1) Accident & Emergency Department, Tin Shui Wai Hospital.

(2) Head Office Information Technology Department, Hospital Authority
Introduction :
The first dual pilot projects in HA i.e. both eBP & VS were implemented at the same time in 6A, a Mixed Specialty Ward (run as EMW) in TSWH on 09 Oct 2019. This is the new era of digitalization of nursing care in inpatient setting.
Objectives :
1. To explore the feasibility of running the eBP & VS in an inpatient ward setting.

2. To make reference to subsequent development of full implementation of the projects in corporate & cluster level among HA.
Methodology :
Methodology: Deming Cycle (PDSA)

Plan: Identifying the problems

Traditional methods i.e. labour intensive in changing & cleaning the signage; transcription errors, calculation error etc.

Do: Test solutions.

Coordinated with HAIT team and collected with previous pilot site for the individual project since 2017.

Study: Study results

Assessed the effectiveness and injected new initiatives. A production Drill was held on 04 Oct 2019 to test most of the workflow in ward setting.

Act : Implement the best solutions

The pilot was successfully rolled out on 9th Oct 2019 at 09:00 with 21 patients at the moment.
Result & Outcome :

Gained benefits:

 Auto Charting

 View & update anywhere & anytime.

 faster nursing care decisions and process

 Provide Worklist at point of care

 Facilitate timely and accurate data entry

 Digitalize vital signs data and frequencies

 Reduce duplication of work and transcription error

Both Pros & Cons feedback were collected from both frontline nursing and supporting staff during the nursing care process in using the new functions. In general, colleagues well accepted the projects.


“Smart” health care is a valid road map in the future. The first dual pilot projects in 6A in TSWH was successful, as it made benefits to patients and health care providers and also provided much significant data to subsequent development of “smart” health care in HA.

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