Authors (including presenting author) :
Ng YB (1), Sha KY (1), Chan OL (1), Tam YY (1), Tang LN (1), Lau ML (1), Tong MY (1), Eric Wong (2), Jackson Wong (3), Ryan Chan (4)
Affiliation :
(1) Department of Medicine and Geriatrics
(2) Physiotherapy Department
(3) Occupational Therapy Department
(4) Community Involvement and Volunteer Services Department / Health Resource Centre / Cancer Patient Resource Center
United Christian Hospital
Introduction :
Dementia is one of the major causes of disability and dependency among older people worldwide.
It is not only affect the patients and also created the caring problems to families. Lack of awareness and understanding of dementia, that resulting in stigmatization and barriers to diagnosis and care. There is around 50 million people have dementia and nearly 10 million new cases every year worldwide. The total number of people with dementia is projected to reach 82 million in 2030.
Objectives :
To enhance the public and staff’s awareness on Dementia.
Methodology :
Dementia friendly ward design
Ward renovation of a Geriatric ward was scheduled in Jun to Aug 2019. Dementia friendly elements were added in the ward which including mural painting, artificial sky light, color zoning of patient cubicles, extra-large font labelling, no waxing of floor and contrast color at common area.
Dementia promotion week
World Alzheimer's Month is the international campaign every September to raise awareness of dementia. World Alzheimer's Day is on 21 September each year. Aim to response to the meaningful day, one-week dementia promotion activities were held in United Christian Hospital (UCH) to raising public and staff’s awareness of dementia. One week activities were collaboration with Non-Government Organizations and multi-departments of UCH. The activities were including dementia information board and video display, stall game, brain health training by physiotherapist and occupational therapist.
Dementia friendly sharing sessions
Two sharing sessions were held on 14 and 25 Oct 2019 for all ranking of hospital staff. The speakers are invited from Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association who shared the dementia knowledge and the tips for helping people with dementia.
Result & Outcome :
Total around 1200 headcount joined the dementia promotion activities on 17 -20 Sep 2019 including public population and hospital staff. For the dementia friendly sharing sessions, total 257 staff attended. In addition, 365 headcount joined as “dementia friend” of Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association to showed support to the people with dementia and their families. Furthermore, the dementia friendly ward design obtained the positive feedback from staff, patient and relatives.