Promoting GERI concept and creating elder friendly environment through ward renovation

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Abstract Description
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Authors (including presenting author) :
Chan OL (1), Lo YS (1), Lam YF (1), Lau ML (1), Tam YY (1), Ng YB (1), Sha KY (1)
Affiliation :
Department of Medicine and Geriatrics (M&G), United Christian Hospital (UCH)
Introduction :
An acute geriatric ward under Department of Medicine and Geriatrics of United Christian Hospital had undergone renovation in June 2019. The project not only aimed to create a comfortable and therapeutic elderly patient care environment and tailor-made design for patients with cognitive impairment, we also took this opportunity to unity ward staff with common caring concept in the delivery of quality geriatric services.
Objectives :
1. To create elder friendly and positive practice environment

2. To enhance staff engagement and satisfaction through co-production of caring concept and renovation work
Methodology :
1. At preparatory stage, core member group including Ward Manager (WM) and Advanced Practice Nurses (APNs) were formed. They were involved in meeting with contractors to understand the renovation logistic and requirement. 2. Individual APN, according to her strength and interest, was assigned to lead subgroup including Renovation subgroup, Working Environment subgroup and Wall Painting subgroup. 3. Regular meeting with contractors and subgroups was scheduled to closely monitor the progress and solve problem as identified. Concept on new ward design and elder friendly environment were related to contractors to seek their understanding and support. 4. Opinion on caring concept was collected at different level of staffs and it was finalized at core member group meeting.
Result & Outcome :
The acute geriatric ward fulfilling elder friendly and positive practice environment was available in Sept 2019. The renovation work was positively shortened from 100 days (original scheduled) to 79 days by means of great team work effort. A unique concept – GERI with G = Grace, E = Empathy, R = Reliability & I = Integrity was developed to express full of love at ward and patients would receive good care by reliable workers. The concept was endorsed among ward staff and painted at conspicuous place near nursing station to express our caring attitude and guide our nursing practice. Specific functional zones were established to improve work efficiency e.g. admission zone and discharge zone. A cubicle was decorated with natural landscape wall painting and sky ceiling to comfort patients suffering from cognitive impairment. Promising feedback was attained from other disciplines and patients’ carers. Last but not least, early staff involvement, good approach in mobilizing contractors and making good use of staff strength were essential factors to achieve this satisfactory outcome.

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