Authors (including presenting author) :
Ho YL, Mak YMK,Mak KS, Yeung W, Chan LW, Chan YH, Chu WT, Lam PL, Ng WC, Tsung WC
Affiliation :
Cheshire Home Shatin
Introduction :
Team nursing is a system of integrated care that involves a group of people working together to achieve the common objectives. Teamwork requires co-operation, co-ordination and communication between members of a team to achieve desired outcomes. A good communication for nursing team is an essential element to maintain the safe practice to provide good quality of care. Therefore, a daily team briefing is a good opportunity to share the information to team members and update the information in clinical practices.
Objectives :
1.To enhance the clinical effectiveness in better communication among nursing team 2.To promote good practice on clinical handover by enhancing the communication method 3.To align the communication methodology in ward /unit 4.To develop a culture of good communication with staff and nursing management team
Methodology :
Firstly, on call WM prepared a daily ward reminder and sharing the summary to nursing teams during weekdays. The content of the ward reminder included hospital / unit/ ward operational issue, quality and safety, Advance Incident Reporting (AIR), infection control, Occupational Health and Safety, Documentation, T&D…etc. and it should be concise and simple for easy reading and understanding. Secondly, WM or his/her delegate of each unit would arrange daily 15minutes reminder briefing for the staff during the handover period. The content of the briefing would be briefed to nurses in 3 consecutive days with feedback collected if any. The reminder hard copy would be kept in ward for record. WMs create a staff chat group in smartphone to deliver private or sensitive messages by HA chat or WhatsApps. Lastly, WM also arranged case sharing session quarterly to share the appropriate nursing care on medical / infectious diseases, wound management, drug knowledge, clinical skills on new technology, learning point on AIRS reporting or equipment to enhance clinical care standard.
Result & Outcome :
Staff Survey was carried out to collect the feedback from nursing team on the daily reminder briefing practice, the questionnaire contained 5 questions in 5 point Likert scale.
Q1. The daily team 15minutes briefing is effective in clinical communication
Q2. The daily reminder is concise and easy to read
Q3. The briefing session is an appropriate platform to provide your feedback
Q4. The standard method of the briefing in IU and DU can align the communication practice in SCH
Q5. The sharing session quarterly is valuable to enhance the quality of clinical skills
The evaluation form were collected from 1 October to 18 October 2019. There have 53 returns were received. Return rate was 59%. The overall satisfaction was 3.8 out of 5. 78.38% agreed that the standard method of the briefing in IU and DU could enhance the communication between nurses in SCH. 75% agreed that the daily reminder was concise and easy to read. 69.2 % agreed that the daily team 15minutes briefing was effective in clinical communication. Direct communication among staff is useful to prevent misunderstanding and misinterpretation among staff, in daily handover. The key objective have attained to provide safe practice to patient with clear information, team members have update information in clinical practices via the daily briefing. Ideas and feedback from frontal line staff could be received immediately for further improvement in quality of care and clinical safety. Clinical sharing session provide a platform for staff to learn and acknowledge more clinical skills in daily practices. Nurses had positive feedback by using smartphone for communication. On the other hand, nurse also appreciated to use WhatsApp group to disseminate the update information but essential message from senior or team members.