Authors (including presenting author) :
Kwan TH(1), Chan WY(1), Mui KC(1), Wong TY(1), Chok KMN(1), Fong KYS(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Endoscopy unit/Ambulatory Centre, OLMH
Introduction :
From observation, patients were anxious, felt worry for what they will encounter during colonoscopy and was not able to cooperate well in positioning. Patients may default due to fear related to uncertainty and lack of information. A considerable number of patients were found to be mistaken about the medication regime for bowel preparation. Traditionally, patients attend an education talk 1-2 weeks before the day of colonoscopy. During the talk, standard information about colonoscopy is delivered by power-point presentation and written materials. The traditional practice involves minimal procedural information about colonoscopy. Studies shown that more procedural information, related to the sequence and types of events, improves patient cooperation. Patient education with multimedia maximizes the effectiveness of information delivered, as therefore can diminish patient anxiety and improved the quality of bowel preparation(Ravindran & Binutha, 2017).
Objectives :
A multimedia education talk was held at the local endoscopy centre to improve patient understanding about bowel preparation and patient events of colonoscopy, and increase patient satisfaction and experience; leading to a low colonoscopy default rate.
Methodology :
During the education talk, a 12-minute educational video was shown. The video consists of a detailed instruction on bowel preparation and multiple short clips mimicking the patient journey, supported by cartoons, animation, photos, narration and instructive texts. A written leaflet on preparation of colonoscopy was given to patient for reference. A Question & Answer session was followed after the educational video to clarify patients’ doubts and enhance understanding. After the talk, bowel preparation medication was given to patients. Patients attending the multimedia education talk from November 2019 to January 2020 were invited to complete structured questionnaires before and after receiving the education talk. Patients’ level of understanding, with regard to the medication regime of bowel preparation and the patient journey of the colonoscopy day, was assessed by a 5-point Likert scale. Patients’ satisfaction towards the talk was also evaluated by the same measuring tool.
Result & Outcome :
The multimedia education talk before colonoscopy helps to improve patient understanding towards bowel preparation and patient journey on the colonoscopy day. With more information provided, patients appeared to be more satisfied and less worried, leading to a low default rate. A total of 65 patients were recruited. 98.5% of patients answered correctly for the position to be maintained during colonoscopy after the talk. 69.2% of patients reported “totally understand” the medication regime of bowel preparation. 90.8% of patients reported that the talk had raised more understanding towards the patient events of the colonoscopy day. Majority of patients (95%) felt satisfied with the talk. The default rate of colonosocopy for patients received the talk prior is 2.29%.