Authors (including presenting author) :
Wan WY (1), Chan WC (1), Lai KW(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Obstetric and Gynaecology, Prince of Wales Hospital
Introduction :
Postpartum debriefing enables women to have their childbirth experiences validated by talking, listening and information provided. It may have significant effect on their psychological health. Our current practices usually focus on the physical need. A midwife-led postpartum debriefing program was implemented in June 2018.
Objectives :
Assess and acknowledge women’s childbirth experience.
Enhance women a positive experience in future pregnancy.
Monitor the quality of care.
Methodology :
Assess and acknowledge women’s childbirth experience.
Enhance women a positive experience in future pregnancy.
Monitor the quality of care.
Result & Outcome :
98 evaluation questionnaires returned. 86.1% (n=87) of women described their overall birth experience as positive. However, there was a discrepancy between women's expectations of pain and labor and their actual experience. 65.3% (n=66) of them found the labor pain worse than expected. 81% (n=81) of them had a gap between their expectation and actual birth experience, leading to fear and uncontrollable feeling. It may imply that women are not well- prepared for labor. Women-centered approach was significant to women. 21% (n=17) of women preferred cesarean section in next pregnancy.
All women were satisfied with the debriefing as their concerns are being listened and answered. 87.8% of women agreed that the program helped in enhancing them a positive experience in future pregnancy.
This program is valuable. A continuous support and updated antenatal education and information can help them to have a positive childbirth experience.
Review the antenatal education involves interactive visual activities, birth tours, and real situation practice is recommended to provide expectant mothers a more realistic expectation of labor and empower them to work with pain as part of normal birth. Individualized and continuous midwifery support enhanced women’s coping ability. Investigate women’s negative experience and provide education may decrease their wish on cesarean section. Further exploration on the reduction of women’s complaint or feedback is necessary.