Six-in-One Collaborative-Network of Hong Kong East (HKE) Cluster Occupational Therapy Pressure Injury Services

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Authors (including presenting author) :
Fung A(1),Cheung H(2),Hui SS(3),Chau PC(4),Wong SM(5),Hung WY(6)
Affiliation :
(1) Occupational Therapy Department, Ruttonjee and Tang Shiu Kin Hospital

(2) Occupational Therapy Department, Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital

(3) Occupational Therapy Department, Cheshire Home, Chung Hom Kok

(4) Occupational Therapy Department, Wong Chuk Hang Hospital

(5) Occupational Therapy Department, Tung Wah Eastern Hospital

(6) Occupational Therapy Department, St John Hospital
Introduction :
In HKE Cluster, specific pressure injury management programs are provided individually in acute hospitals including PYNEH, RTSKH, SJH; rehabilitation hospital TWEH; and convalescent hospitals including CCH, WCHH without connection.

A Collaborative-Network on pressure-injury has been developed. It provides databank, service guide, transportation logistics and knowledge sharing platform to accentuate quality and continuity of care among six settings in HKE cluster.
Objectives :
1) To enhance the standard and quality of occupational therapy pressure injury services.

2) To facilitate collaboration and integrate the unique expertise of each hospital in the cluster.
Methodology :
1) Set-up a cluster occupational therapy pressure injury management group.

2) Compile a cluster-based databank on research and development of pressure injury devices.

3) Develop an occupational therapy pressure injury service guide protocol.

4) Revise and enhance the logistics of pressure injury devices procurement and production processes, especially to support remote hospitals in the cluster.

5) Provide cluster-based training to occupational therapists.
Result & Outcome :
1) A pressure injury devices databank has been compiled. Over 60 models of pressure-injury devices have been reviewed. The clinical effect of various pressure injury devices has been studied in acute and long-stay patients in PYNEH, CCH and WCHH. These devices include heel protectors, pressure-relieving seat cushions, pressure-relieving mattresses and special positioning aids.

2) An occupational therapy pressure injury service guide has been developed to facilitate daily patient assessment and pressure-relieving device prescriptions.

3) Pressure injury devices production and transportation logistics have been restructured. The procurement and transportation of pressure injury devices in remote settings like CCH, WCCH and SJH are supported by RTSKH and PYNEH.

4) A cluster based pressure injury workshop was provided to six locations via video conference.

5) In 2018-2019, over 3500 patients received pressure injury management services yearly from occupational therapists in HKE. In RTSKH, all in-patients receive non-stop pressure injury services and devices custom-made by occupational therapy. In CCH and WCHH, all in-patients are referred for pressure injury assessment and intervention. In PYNEH, pressure-injury screening and management is provided to all medical-geriatric in-patients. In TWEH and SJH, pressure-injury service and devices support all medical-geriatric patients as well.

The Six-in-One Collaboration-Network enhances the quality standards in pressure injury management and the teamwork of occupational therapists in HKE Cluster.

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