Authors (including presenting author) :
NG KK (1), Ngan HL (1), Lam WSJ (1), Kwan WK (1), Chan HY(2)
Affiliation :
(1)Wound & stoma care Team, United Christian Hospital (2)Community Nursing service, United Christian Hospital, KEC
Introduction :
In correspondence to increasing demand on caring patient with chronic diseases, shifting care from hospital to community becomes the international tactic in health care delivery system in reducing the reliance on secondary care and related costs. Specialty care in wound has also be expanded to community in concordance with that moves and the increased demand on complex wound care to community nurses (CNs). Therefore, an innovative electronic wound care consultation platform (e‐platform) had been developed in August of 2014 in corporation with CN & IT department in KEC. By the consultation on e‐platform in these 5 years, it had increased the accessibility of wound care services and ensured the continuity care of patient.
Objectives :
The e‐platform aims at providing timely & effective wound care suggestion for CNs in caring patient with complex wounds. Moreover, by this ongoing communication platform, patient could early access to wound nurse (WN). The collaboration between WN and CNs is fostered and CNs are being supported in caring patient with difficult wound condition.
Methodology :
An online e‐platform with the electronic wound assessment report was designed, CNs could send the request through e‐platform with their comprehensive wound assessment. Regular meeting with CNs was then scheduled to review the operation of e-platform or discuss on some complicated cases.
Result & Outcome :
In these 5 years, there were 980 cases referred to WN in seeking advice through the e‐platform. This platform provides an ongoing reporting between CNs and WN and a face‐to‐face consultation could be arranged when required in which e-platform did streamline access to the service. Among those consultations, 14% of patients was arranged an early appointment in wound clinic (7%) or home visit for wound care provided by WN (7%). Furthermore, a satisfaction survey on using e‐platform among CNs was conducted on Dec 2019 with 80% respondent rate. More than 80% of the respondents had used the e‐platform and more than half of the respondents reported the e‐platform probably enhance their knowledge in advance wound care and also it is an effective way to communicate with wound nurse which is beneficial to patient care. By obtaining suggestion promptly through the e‐platform, CNs could be well supported and as a result the continuity care to patient could be achieved. Although the result was encouraging, there were a few reporting on system which is not user‐friendly and that discussion on the enhancement of the system may be required in the future.