Authors (including presenting author) :
Wong LM(1), Fung TY(1), HO SM(1), Ng YB(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Ward 13A, Isolation Ward, Department of Medicine & Geriatrics, United Christian Hospital
Introduction :
Intra-pleural catheter (IPC) is a revolutionized management of recurrent malignant pleural effusion. It can be used to drain pleural fluid when necessary and avoids repeated thoracentesis and hospitalization. In 2019, insertion of IPC was newly introduced into a medical ward in UCH. Thereby, a staff empowerment program was initiated to consolidate the competencies of nursing staff who are responsible for IPC patient care.
Objectives :
The empowerment program was set with following objectives:
1. To increase the staff awareness on IPC patient care and education
2. To standardize the nursing practice in managing IPC according to hospital guideline
3. To build up safety culture of IPC care in ward
Methodology :
To develop a standard of practice (SOP) in intra-pleural catheter (IPC) care with the aid of the followings:
1. Instructive educational manual
2. Presentation slideshow
3. Checklist for IPC patient education
A workgroup was formed under the ward respiratory functional group, aiming to coordinate the strategies on the project.
First, an education manual was introduced to offer a standard practice on IPC care accordingly. Then, a few identical training sessions were held to enrich the basic knowledge on IPC of nurses, enhance desirable training by means of demonstration and return demonstration on IPC drainage and dressing procedures. Furthermore, a checklist was prepared to ensure the progress and proper documentation in IPC patient education.
Result & Outcome :
The empowerment program has been rolled out successfully in 4Q 2019. 12 nurses attended. Overall evaluation was positive. Over 90% of attendants strongly agreed that the content in program was fruitful to clinical fields. Attendants conveyed that they were more confidence in providing the nursing education. They all agreed that the training objectives were met.
The proposed training program can definitely consolidate the competency in IPC care. In the long run, hopefully the program would be extended to the nurses who worked in different units under Medicine & Geriatric department.