Authors (including presenting author) :
Lui KH(1), Wong KWA(1), Yeung TPP(1), Poon CYM(1), Yeung W(1), Kwok MLA(1)
Affiliation :
(1) Central Nursing Division, Bradbury Hospice, Cheshire Home Shatin and Shatin Hospital
Introduction :
Central Nursing Division (CND) of Shatin Hospital (SH), Bradbury Hospice (BBH) had integrated with Cheshire Home Shatin (SCH) since June 2018. Clinical Preceptor from CND had an extensive coverage of new nurse graduates and nurse learners in BBH, SCH & SH.
Objectives :
Creating a collaborative preceptor models will provide structural framework to facilitate the clinical supervision and support further developing competence in clinical practice for new nurse graduates and nurse learners in BBH, SCH & SH from June 2018 to Nov 2019.
Methodology :
A collaborative preceptor model consisted of collaboration between clinical department and CND. 1.6 Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) APNs as part-time clinical preceptor had appointed work with ward supervisors and ward mentors to support fresh graduate nurse and nurse learners to ensure safe clinical practice, assure the standard of patient care delivered and enhancing the clinical learning. The clinical preceptors from CND were scheduled take turns to precepting a new nurse graduates and nurse learners through clinical instruction, demonstration, guidance, direct observation and feedback in BBH, SCH & SH respectively. The CND clinical preceptors were assisted a new nurse graduates to enrich general nursing skills, knowledge and professional values, support them in role transition and identify their personal and professional needs, convey the progress of preceptee toward supervisor and nurse managers in departmental nursing meeting regularly and whenever necessary. The clinical preceptors also meet with CND monthly and whenever necessary for the progress and effectiveness of the preceptorship scheme, incorporate the advice from the CND meeting such as identification of learning points from incident sharing on precepting skills.
Result & Outcome :
The clinical preceptor from CND had 1600 frequency of visit to precepting over 200 new nurse graduates and nurse learners under the collaborative preceptor model. Over 30 regular meeting had attended to convey the progress of preceptee to clinical department and CND. A collaborative preceptor model can enhance the clinical supervision and support further clinical learning and developing competence in clinical practice to new nurse graduates and nurse learners in BBH, SCH & SH.