Simulation Training as a Proactive Tool to Embrace Staffs From Workplace Violence

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Abstract Description
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Authors (including presenting author) :
Lai YW(1), Kwan Joan(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Central Nursing Division, Kwong Wah Hospital
Introduction :
Workplace Violence (WPV) seems to be a significant occupational hazard for healthcare providers in Hong Kong and has damaging consequences including psychological trauma, physical injury, feelings of incompetence and time loss from work. For hospital, it would affect our productivity, causing absenteeism, lack of trust and low morale. Proactively, Kwong Wah Hospital developed classroom and departmental basis simulation training programs and also piloted simulation drill to embrace hospital staffs from WPV trauma.
Objectives :
(1) to help hospital staffs understanding the causes of WPV; (2) to equip hospital staffs with the vital knowledge of how to recognize, report and defuse the challenging situations; (3) to build up staffs competency as handle WPV crisis tactfully at ease;
Methodology :
We had conducted classroom anti WPV simulation programs on quarterly and need basis since 2010. The programs covered the causes of violence, handling methods and the post-incident psychological adjustment. As per program feedback, sessions of simulation drill had also been rolled out in our clinical Departments in December 2018 to December 2019. This simulation drill included three phases, that’s pre-drill workshops, onsite scenario drill with video recording and post drill debriefing sessions.
Result & Outcome :
Results: From January 2019 to December 2019, more than 100 nos. of classroom anti WPV training programs had been conducted with extreme positive feedback from the participants. Simulation training is an effective, evidence-based method to prepare our staffs to respond when a situation escalates to violence. Our plan is to bring the concepts of anti WPV to life by providing opportunities to apply them in realistic scenarios. Conclusions: The issue of WPV cannot be resolved solely on the effort of training. Hospital management still needs to consolidate resources and to set up specific working group to monitor the violent incidents. Also, regular meetings and discussions are in need to formulate improvement action and direction.

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